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Poetical fragments of the late Richard Alfred Millikin

with an authentic memoir of his life

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[I met her in the fields and thought it spring]

I met her in the fields and thought it spring,
So thick the hedges seem'd with blossoms spread:
I heard the birds within the branches sing,
And saw the cowslip lift his yellow head:
There seem'd a happy change in nature's face
And all things laugh'd and seem'd revived again;
I thought her smile did wintery glooms efface;
And from my bosom fled her inmate pain.


Then straight I ran a flowery wreath to bind,
She turn'd and fled, and left me all alone;
Alas! the blossom I could only find,
Was drifted snow there by the winter sown;
And where the perfum'd cowslip should be found,
Were yellow leaves that wither'd all around.