University of Virginia Library


[He that did build all things is God]

Heb. 3. 4. God the chief Builder.

[The First Part.]

He that did build all things is God,
'Tis he and he alone
That made the world, and all things in't,
Praise ye the Holy One.
And he laid the Foundation sure
Of th'Earth and Heaven too,
Which long have been, and still endure,
Will put them down also.
'Tis he that built his Glorious Church,
And laid the corner stone,
In all the Earth there is None such,
O praise the Holy One.


With precious Stones he hath it built,
Yea, living ones they are,
And by his Spirit so compact,
'Tis far beyond compare.
The Timber, and the Stones by him
Were squared curiously,
That all the Buildings in the World,
With this cannot come nigh.
The matter and the form also,
Did he alone ordain,
No alteration must be made,
Upon eternal pain.
All other Builders Servants have
To labour with their hands;
Who according to the pattern act,
And just as he commands.
So Ministers God does imploy,
Who must the pattern know,
And if they alter any thing,
They do their folly show.
The Rule it is Gods Holy Word,
Would you the Pattern view,
'Tis the first Church the Lord did build,
As th'Apostles Acts do shew.


The second Part.

Nothing but precious Stones must be
On the foundation plac'd,
By such who wood or stubble build
This fabrick is disgrac'd.
And they will suffer loss thereby
When it comes to be try'd,
Because such stuff cannot endure,
Their work will not abide.
Then see all ye who are call'd Saints,
That you are precious Gold,
I mean sincere and godly ones,
Whom God loves to behold.
And see that you his building are,
And in you he does dwell,
If in you he has no abode,
Down you must go to Hell.