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The Poetical Works of the Revd. Mr. Colvill

Containing his Pastorals, Occasional Poems, and Elegies on Illustrious persons. Vol. I & II

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ON THE MARRIAGES OF His Grace JOHN Duke of Athole, Right Hon. DAVID Viscount Stormont, AND THOMAS GRAHAM of Balgowan, Esq; WITH THE Three Most Amiable Daughters OF The Right Hon. CHARLES Lord Cathcart.



Sponsalia cantabit Musa: Di cœpta secundent
Fœdera! et æterno connectat pectora nexu
Intemerata fides; ter nobili sanguine surgant,
Qui terris dent jura væstris! securaque præstent
Imperia, et lapsis norint succurrere rebus.

Deep in the foaming brine, where Ocean laves
Fam'd Albion's isle, with ever-toiling waves,
With gems and pearl the radiant palace stands,
Chrystalline frame, where Amphitrite commands.
Their orgies here, the Sisters of the deep,
Seven festive days in annual splendor keep;
What time Hyperion from the southern goal
His chariot wheels, to warm the freezing pole.
With feast and song the sea-green Nymphs combine,
In full libations pour the sparkling wine,
In mystic dance their silver tridents rear
In homage to the regent of the sphere.
First Thetis to the sacred feast is borne
In em'rald car, which antique gems adorn,


And sculptur'd gold, where blazon'd bright is seen
The lineage high of Ocean's ancient Queen.
Proud, by her side, her eldest offspring came,
The Thracian Doris, Nereus' blooming dame,
Whose fifty Daughters follow'd o'er the tide,
Her maidens fair, their parents vaunted pride.
Eucrate, mild as spring, with garlands gay;
Cymodoce, who raging seas can stay;
Chaste Galatea, whose fresh beauties beam
In Acis bath'd her sweet Sicilian stream:
Erato prime, with love's black tresses crown'd;
Young Psamathe, for snowy breasts renown'd;
Cymothe fleet, whose steps the waves beguile;
And Glauce charming, with resistless smile;
With all their sister tribe, in jovial mood,
Laving their snowy limbs in briny flood.
In order next came Neptune's blooming train,
Fam'd Albion's Daughters, each in coral wain:
First stately Forth, with many a crowding sail,
And winding tides, enamour'd of the vale,
Choice Ceres' haunt, renoun'd in Bruce's reign,
When English Edward mourn'd his myriads slain.
Her beauteous nymphs, in silver veils bedight,
Glide thro' the deeps, like heavenly graces bright,
Three princely crowns, their tribute meet, they bore,
With sparkling pearl from the Indian shore:
And all the way they sung a Nuptial Song
For Cathcart's Brides, to whom sweet strains belong.


“Fair rise the new-born year! like blushing rose,
“To Hymen's shrine the lovely Cathcart goes.”
From silver lakes, which bathe her verdant isles,
Came branching Taia, with Hesperian spoils,
Whose hundred streams, obsequious urge their way
To hail true lovers on their bridal day;
Proud of their noble race, whose peerless worth,
Wooing the lovely daughters of the Forth,
In league of amity, each sister tide
Conjoins; together, o'er the waves they ride.
Then wealthy Clyde, who loyal tribute bore,
Of choicest nectar, from the Indian shore;
Whose fost'ring Stream the Muses Choirs adorn,
And wealthy Commerce set on western Throne.
Heard ye their Strains ! as up the stately wave,
The refluent river march'd with pride, to lave
In eastern Forth, whose flow'ry vales along
Melodious waft the Shepherd's nuptial song.
From pleasing dales sweet Tweed, once doom'd to glide
'Twixt hostile realms, now crown'd with rural pride,
Where many a Castle fair hangs o'er the wave,
And many a Baron bold, with warriors brave
Repell'd invasion: now in purer tide
Her lovely Daughers bathe their beauty's pride.


Or in the shades of Tiviot, Parent Stream!
Or silvan Jed, as in Arcadian dream,
Lead on the dance; or urge, in jocund throng,
The circling chace, these rural scenes among.
And Devon's Nymph, who laves with wa'try store
Her silver mass, presents the shining ore:
Nor longer jealous, hides her rich supplies,
Since princely Jason bears her golden prize.
The swelling Spey, and Varar's far-fam'd flood,
With northern Naids yeild their scaly brood;
And Deva's stream, fost'ring her learned Quire,
Charm'd with the magic of the Minstrel's lyre.
Next came the Nymphs from many a courtly bow'r,
Where Lordly Thamis' swelling waters pour;
Or stormy Humber, with the chaste Sabrine
Commix their sparkling sands with diamond sheen:
Or subterranean mines, where Tina flows,
And Commerce rich from sable mass bestows.
The King of Floods high tow'rs above the rest,
Augusta's image top'd his ruby crest:
Consign'd by fate, a triple crown he bore,
And trident, ensign of imperial pow'r.
Pride grac'd his brow, and conscious honour high,
And loyal zeal, and freedom's fearless eye;
Three gorgeous robes enrich'd with gold he brought
His artists frame with lively figures wrought.


Last came the peerless Daughter of the sea,
Th'imperial Queen whom gods and men obey,
Celestial Venus: splendent from afar,
With purple radiance blaz'd her diamond car;
Her car the doves with silver plumage drew,
Around her train on golden pennons flew;
These to the winds her floating crimson spread,
These o'er the waves Idalian flow'rets shed:
With regal pomp, the prime of Nereus' race,
She rides sublime their festival to grace.
Old Ocean smooths his brow, and joys again
To bear the fairest offspring of the main;
His hundred floods with fond embraces join,
And to the hall conduct the Charge Divine.
All these, obsequious, tend the sov'reign call,
To grace the feast in Amphitrite's hall.
Supreme the Goddess sat on regal throne,
Where pillar'd gold and diamond splendor shone.
Their homage paid, this blooming bevy join
O'er feast ambrosial, and nectarean wine.
From orient pearl, they feast in shining rows,
In em'rald cups the sparkling bev'rage flows
In circling course: to grace the feast descends
Prime Harmony, and magic pleasance blends.
'Mid harpings clear resounds th'Eolian lyre
With melting strains; nor mute the vocal Quire;
In sweet response, at every close they sung,
Whilst o'er the flood these gratulations rung:


“Hail, sacred Morn! thrice blest, and fairest, rise!
“That leads Hyperion up the Eastern skies,
“With Hymen in his train, whose genial ray
“Revives the world, and drives these shades away.
“Rise, sacred Morn! arise! and with thee bring
“First birth of Time, the ever-blooming Spring:
“With rosy pleasures in their gay career,
“And joyance meet to crown the festive year.”
Thus pass'd the jovial week, now twilight grey
In silver-skirted cloud conducts the day,
Then all in homage to the circling sky,
With mystic morrice ends their jubily.
On chrystal seats reclin'd in princely hall
The sea-green Nymphs attend the sov'reign call,
Where in rotation Amphitrite bestows
On every district where her current flows
The annual boon: in just succession rise
The Albion Floods, and claim their rightful prize.
The Pow'r consenting thus awards their claim,
Yours is the boon, ye Nymphs! of mighty fame.
Loyal allegiance thus fix'd Fate repays,
Then tribute claim of all the sea surveys.
With low obeisance and according voice
'Gan lordly Thames announce the gen'ral choice:
“Hail Neptune's Queen! whose mace of dreadful pow'r
“Controuls the floods, and quells the stormy stour;


“Who brings Hyperion on his annual way,
“Whom clouds, and winds, and wat'ry pow'rs obey;
“No common boon we crave, no treasures shine,
“No diamond flaming from the eastern mine,
“Nor pow'rs increase to scar the world's repose,
“Nor guilty wreaths from Turk or Christian foes,
“Nor tribute praise; th'etherial herald dame
“Awes distant climes with Albion's warlike fame:
“Her native main the world's vast wealth conveys,
“And crowns of conquest at her footstool lays.
“This be the boon, great Amphitrite prepare,
“In sovereign state, with this assemblage fair,
“To join, with mystic rites, on Thame's strand,
“The Noble Brides in Hymen's golden band.
“Whose happy Lovers wait in nuptial weir,
“The richest treasure of the new-born year.
“For Athole, he who rules with princely sway,
“Where branching Taia's silver currents stray,
“And fertile Mona, with his mountains steep,
“Their ancient realm o'erlooks the western deep;
“In whose high mind prime honour builds her bow'r,
“And Worth gives lustre beyond wealth or pow'r,
“For Cathcart fair avows his am'rous flame,
“The brightest Nymph from Fortha's winding stream.
“And gallant Graham, from martial lineage sprung
“Of Patriot Chiefs, by ancient poets sung,
“Smit with the charms that in Maria shine,
“With ardour woos, where worth and beauty join.


“But who comes yonder! with a bridegroom's haste,
“Like princely Phœbus from the gorgeous east!
“'Tis He in foreign courts supreme to guide
“Britannia's Weal, and o'er her fate preside!
“Now while her mighty Genii in their sphere,
“The weight of empire for their Stormont bear:
“The toils of state he gilds with beauty's smile,
“For Hebe could the cares of Jove beguile;
“And in Louisa's bloom, with virgin grace
“Of virtue, charming in so fair a face,
“Proffers to virtuous love what here below
“Exalted minds are only bless'd to know;
“The nectar'd joys which Hymen mix'd above
“For kindred souls, who mutual passion prove;
“When Venus' Son, with chosen golden darts
“Of passion chaste, has pierc'd two faithful hearts.
“Lo here, the pride of birth and merit join'd,
“Begild the branches of a noble kind,
Cathcart their Sire, from ancient peers renown'd,
“With civil fame, and martial plaudit crown'd,
“On whom his country looks, with hope elate,
“In evil times to prop Britannia's state.
“His Consort, sprung from Brandon's princely race,
“Whose fame the annals of our Isle shall grace,
“And circling fair in many a noble tide,
“Down Albion's vale, with bounteous current glide,
“Left her fair Image in her Daughter train,
“Love's pledges, when she sought the heavenly plain;


“Heirs of her worth: now, from the starry sky,
“She marks their safety with a Parent's eye;
“Like saintly guard, from shafts of mortal wo,
“She shields the precious Pearls she left below.
“Such their descent, and such the princely band,
“Who grace with bridal pomp Thames' flow'ry strand.
“With jocund troop, th'imperial Paphian Dame,
“Who first inspir'd, will crown the lover's flame,
“And with her bring all mystic Jollity,
“Hymen and bright Autonoe's Progeny;
“The Graces Three, in whom all charms combine,
“Offspring of Jove, and crown'd with youth divine:
“Whose winning smiles bid virtue brighter glow,
“Whose honey'd breath can temper cups of wo;
“Whose presence blest, enhances human joy;
“Whose absence, would life's fairest scenes destroy,
“Blast frolic youth, bid grandeur's plumage fade,
“And regal glory shrink a ghastly shade:
“For this your splendid palace we explore,
“To guide your train to Thamis' festive shore.
“Dread Goddess! hear, this proffer'd boon consign,
“And we the wealth of Indian worlds resign.”
The Pow'r replies: “Your fond petition gain,
“To Thames we pass, with all this blooming train:
“And now my steeds, impatient of controul,
“With fiery neighings, claim the distant goal;


“Aurora calls me from her rosy sphere,
“And ling'ring Phospher chides, with circlet clear.”
The Nereids heard, their busy march prepare,
And all the Nymphs who on the billows fare,
Their cars ascend; in marine state they glide
O'er the blue waves, which stoop their tow'ring pride.
With gorgeous troop the Goddess pass'd sublime,
Who rules the swelling seas in ev'ry clime;
In crystal orbs her pearly axle flew,
The Tritons brave their coral trumpets blew,
Her smiles the winds and murm'ring tempests fled,
Her golden scepter smooth'd the Ocean's bed:
Fair on her forehead beam'd the morning star,
The sun's bright orbit rose beneath her car;
Whose flaming glories, from th'etherial gate,
Full royally disclose imperial state.
All Nature shouts, the birds of every name,
And howling wilds, the year's return proclaim.
Air, earth, and sea, herds on a thousand hills,
Till ev'ry land the general joyance fills.
Aloft the Year, girt with her figur'd zone,
Rode with Hyperion on his golden throne:
Around the new-born Pow'rs perennial seat,
Flew forms ideal, endless to relate.


The winged Hours, in silver reins confin'd
The flying coursers, which outstrip the wind:
The crouding Days, and fleeting Months appear,
With unborn ages hov'ring in the rear.
With chant of merry birds, soft-breathing Spring
Seem'd shedding flow'rets from her crimson wing.
In loose attire the radiant Summer bound
Her spicy wreaths, and roses strew'd around.
Like nuptial bride, with highly blooming charms,
Ripe Ceres blush'd in Autumn's circling arms.
From ruffian blast, in ermine's speckled pride,
Coy Winter strove her sick'ning frame to hide.
These must'ring journey with the new-born year
In endless circuit thro' the rolling sphere
Revolving ever, till in ruins hurl'd,
Expires the shining fabric of the world.

See Mr Richardson's elegant poem.



Ter fortunate Sponsus! tibi ducitur uxor,
Quæ Thalamus pietate beat, virtutibus ornat,
Et stirpis claræ decus morum transfulget honore.
Succrescat fœcunda Aula! agnoscat alumnos,
Gaudiisque decurrant venientes molliter anni,
Nec vobis alias decernant fidera tædas.

Thro' the mid Ocean, fann'd with am'rous gales,
Bright Amphitrite in state imperial sails.
Around the Queen, in blooming Beauty's pride,
The jocund bevy o'er the billows glide.
They speed their voyage all the live-long day,
And reach, with eve, Tamesias' ample bay.
There up the wid'ning channel's wond'ring stream
They wind with stately march their squadron trim,
Where lordly rises, 'mid the smiling plain,
The regal Seat where Albion monarchs reign,
And Julian Tow'rs begild the peopl'd strand,
The envy, and the dread of every land.
Here Fate ordains her fav'rite Line to rule
With Naval Scepter fear'd from pole to pole:
To awe the proud, to set the nations free
From slavish chain of grasping tyranny:


While o'er the deeps, like heav'n's red fire, is hurl'd,
Their thund'ring storm, to shake a guilty world.
To save a downward age, now Mercy brings
Th'imperial ensigns to the best of Kings;
Augustus sways and decks his triple crown
With justice, mildness, Grandeur's best renown,
And public love. Ye fretful factions, play!
Like clam'rous swarm beneath Hyperion's ray;
Short is your span, the summer breezes soil
Your varnish'd hues in dust, and close your idle toil.
Should rebel pride our scenes of peace deform,
Firm Royalty outrides the swelling storm;
The Skilful Pilot tried in boist'rous seas,
Guides public safety to the port of peace:
Whilst grateful Nations, loyal, bold, and free,
Bear down the league of factious anarchy,
Blest in Augustus' love. The Albion Queen,
Like Venus from the flood, with sov'reign mein,
And Siren voice, charming rude winds that blow,
With smiles of amity, shall kindly shew,
Like Cynthia mild, or Hesper's orient beam
That skirts the brow of night with silver gleam:
For in her sphere She shines, with virtues rare,
To soothe the Monarch's or the Peoples care.
Forgive the Muse, she soars on trembling wing,
'Mid Loyal Throng, their excellence to sing;


Would blend unequal voice in duteous lay
T'imperial Pow'r, whom three great realms obey,
And heav'n implore with pure oraisons meet,
His Toils to prosper who upholds the state.
Onward they pass, where Thamis' op'ning grove,
Splendent afar, reveals the bow'r of love.
Before the marble gate, with stedfast eye,
Watch'd Constancy, who guides the orbs on high,
In faithful course, bids vernal seasons glow,
Or rising year, love's better gifts, bestow.
Within shone faithful love, and virtue's pride,
And Virgin Beauty, grac'd on either side
With prime Nobility, and Honour high,
And blushing Merit sweet, with downcast eye,
With many a princely Dame, and gallant Peer,
To grace their nuptials rob'd in gorgeous wier.
And hark! the damsels sing their carols sweet,
While jocund hautboy, with respondence meet,
Conducts the song: “Come forth, ye Nymphs! so fair,
“Bright Venus' train, your bridal crowns prepare:
“Love's radiant harbinger, with golden crest,
“The star of ev'ning, trembles in the west;
“And, for the Bridegroom, chides the ling'ring hours,
“And brings the Bride into the bridal bow'rs.
“Now Hymen lights his torch in trim array,
“And starry night shines lovelier than the day;


“'Tis Hymen calls, attend the sacred sound,
“The cares of love, with love's best joys are crown'd.”
Now cease, ye damsels! cease your nuptial song!
Lo! where they, brightest of the virgin throng,
Whom crowns of worth and beauty prime adorn,
Break from their chambers, like the blushing morn,
Or Sol's chaste Sister, flush'd with purple ray,
From eastern palace to eclipse the day.
In glitt'ring robes array'd, and garlands green,
The Brides, in semblance like some maiden Queen,
Like Dian on Eurota's flow'ry strand,
With shafts unerring, 'mid the huntress band:
Or when Jove's Daughter calls his progeny,
They shine in beauty like the Graces Three.
But who is she! in virgin robes array'd,
Of silver silk, as suits the noble maid,
Like youthful Hebe, dazzling ev'ry eye,
Adjusts their train where ambush'd Cupids ly.
And now, with other throng, the hall rebounds,
The bright assemblage hear celestial sounds;
The warbling lute, and soft recorders clear,
With clanging trumpets pierce the echoing air,
Whilst from a golden cloud, with concourse bright,
Unfolds the state of sov'reign Amphitrite.
Great Tethys' Race, bedeck'd in em'rald sheen,
The Albion Pow'rs, and love's imperial Queen,


With meet oraisons greet each noble Bride,
Then range their squadron gay on either side.
Bright Ocean's dame, on either Bride bestows
A sparkling crown, enchaced with diamond rows.
Venus their cestus binds, where winning Smiles,
And young Desire, and Beauty, range their wiles.
The Graces, handmaids to the rival Fair,
In artful ringlets spread their flowing hair:
And all the concourse rang'd in brilliant row,
Choice service do, fond courtesy to show;
While glancing round, from many a radiant eye,
Th'unerring shafts of mighty Cupid fly.
Anon the Bridegroom's summons seems to say
“Arise, my Turtle Dove! and come away!
“Bleak Winter's gloom, with dark suspence is fled,
“The dawning year now gilds his orient head;
“The woodlands round your bridal carols sing,
“And youthful Hymen shakes his fragrant wing:
“A thousand pleasures wait in trim aray,
“Arise my best Belov'd! and come away.”
The Gallant Baron, with a Parent's pride
Conducts, in solemn state, each Sister Bride,
Where sacred priest before the altar stands,
And joins the faithful Pairs in holy bands;
Blending his utt'rence chaste with cordial pray'r,
“May faith and truth, high heav'ns best blessings, share.”


Return'd in pomp, the gay assemblage greet
The nuptial train, with gratulations meet:
In the bright van, the sov'reign Queen of Love,
With Amphitrite, their princely favour prove:
Taia and Forth, their maids, in trim array,
Before their steps with flow'rets strew'd the way.
On lovely Cathcart's brow, with bright renown,
Irradiant Athole plac'd his ducal crown:
Louisa's coronal, from the Graces' grove
Stormont intwin'd with never-fading love.
Graham's martial wreaths on fair Maria shine,
Heroic laurel wove with myrtle twine:
While Beauty's Guard, like Red-Cross Knights of old,
In shining circle stand the Brothers bold.
And now, in order plac'd, each smiling guest,
In Princely guise proceeds the nuptial feast;
The lustres blaze, the sparkling bev'rage flows,
And festive joyance in each bosom glows.
The Queen of Love demands the mystic song,
At her command begin the virgin Throng;
At her command prime Harmony descends,
The muses Train their magic pleasance blends.
Resounds Arion's harp, and Sirens three,
Commixing charm of heav'nly minstrelsy,
With trembling voice angelical, controul,
And steal with ravishment the thrilling soul.
They sung high mysteries of verse sublime,
Where daring fancy never learn'd to climb;


The loves of Vesta, crown'd in bright abodes,
Espous'd by Cœlum, eldest of the Gods,
From whom descends th'immortal progeny,
The Gods of Hades, Ocean, Earth, and Sky.
Of ancient Time, the annals of his reign
They sung, 'ere Sol illumin'd the starry plain,
When Chaos heard the dreadful voice, and fled,
Creation struggling in her infant bed:
The waters sought the deep, the fluid air
Compass'd the globe, and fire the heav'nly sphere.
Then life and light, and Nature's frame begun,
And first to measure time the regent Sun,
By whom ordain'd the hour, day, month, and year,
With unborn ages, in fixed course appear.
Anon, with martial strain, the halls rebound,
The Tritons brave, their coral trumpets sound.
They sung the terrors of the Norric sword,
When furious Suen, with vent'rous sails, explor'd
High Scotia's shore, across the foaming main,
With host vindictive, for his kinsmen slain:
They, from the burden'd deep, unloading, range
Their iron freight, of armed warriors strange,
With silvan spoils, and bowmen skilled to guide
Their Doffrine shafts: Stalks Devastation wide,
And Rape, and Death, from Bertha's martial town,
To Deva's stream, and northern Caledon.


With spoil and pride inflate, the barb'rous band,
With tyrant rod, control'd th'indignant land,
'Till Athole, Stormont, and the gallant Graham,
Their country's shield, like Northern tempest came.
Fallen, with his Peers, on Taia's purple heath,
The Scandian mourn'd his glory set in death;
In his proud fleet the flying rout consume,
The Victors whelm them in a fiery doom.
Then rear each leader's tomb with lordly guise,
Sad sable beacons, seen with streaming eyes,
While Scandia shuns high Scotia's fatal shore,
And mourns her wariors who return no more.
Thus plaintive, soon to joy they strung the lyre
With melting sounds, that kindle soft desire,
And youthful fancy; for of Love they tell,
And League of Amity, meet charm to quell
Demons of war, and hatred: How the dart
Of Venus' son, unerring, pierc'd the heart
Of Caledon, in Beauty's blooming pride,
To pine for Anna fair, his Cimbrian bride.
With wealthy dow'r, of many a verdant isle,
Which 'mid the blust'ring Ocean seems to smile,
Whose fishy lakes, and shaggy dales, the gleam
Of ling'ring Summer, greets with fost'ring beam,
The Virgin came; in gilded vessel, crown'd,
With gallant chiefs, and streamers, to the sound


Of silver fifes: beneath the waving shade
Of silken canopy, the beauteous Maid,
With winning looks, and magic charm, is seen,
To soothe rude winds and waves, like Egypt's Queen,
When up the silver Nile her galleys move,
With Anthony; nor bless'd with virtuous love.
And now the Lover spies his Bride afar,
In navy struggling with the wat'ry war;
For, envious of their joy, with adverse storm,
The sudden tempests Anna's way deform,
With barb'rous rage divide whom love conjoin'd,
The Princess captive by the ruffian wind,
Forc'd from a Bridegroom's arms, by rapine rude,
Is born on wings of tempest o'er the flood;
And hardly 'scap'd, with ships half-wreck'd, explores
High Lochlin's port, within the shelt'ring shores.
The Prince consum'd with Venus' pleasing pain,
The more the jealous elements restrain,
The more he burns for his betrothed bride,
And faithful follows o'er the angry tide.
Her virgin grace, the light of radiant eyes,
And virtue meetly shrin'd in beauteous guise,
Kindle the blazing torch beheld afar,
And, like Love's harbinger, the friendly star,
Which drew Leander cross the rapid tide
Of Thracian Bosphorus, to Hiero's bed,


With grateful splendors gild his path, and keep
His am'rous voyage o'er the foaming deep:
The torch of Venus burns to light his way,
Where Cimbrian Princess, like the blooming May,
Awaits to crown his faith, each peril o'er,
With love's sweet joys in Hymeneal bow'r.
Then pass'd the nuptial months, in pastime bright,
Of feast, and courtly mask; and many a knight
Won fame and favour at the rapid course;
Or, proudly mounted on his barbed horse,
And kindling prowess at bright Beauty's glance,
Couch'd in fierce tournament his quiv'ring lance.
Each morn shook pleasance from his fragrant wings,
And young-ey'd Love increasing treasure brings:
Till rich in public praise, and homage due,
The Royal Pair, renown'd for passion true,
In pomp departed, with their princely band,
And rul'd, with growing fame, their native land.
The minstrels ceas'd; for now in western foam
The star of evening sought his radiant dome:
The Graces and young Loves, with golden wing,
The Bridal Pairs into their chamber bring:
The Queen of Floods, and all the marine Pow'rs,
Thro' the still wave explore their wat'ry bow'rs.
'Twas silence all, in heavenly tow'rs on high,
The Spheres kept watch, with ever-waking eye:


Sweet on the lawn, from the etherial steep,
Fond Cynthia with Endymion seem'd to sleep:
When at their lattice, with sweet bird of eve,
Her mate, the muse thus parting carol gave.
“Farewel True Hearts, whom Hymen's sacred pow'r,
“Blending the Honours of such Noble Line,
“In chaste league does combine;
“May heav'nly blessings on your nuptials show'r.
“Be Constancy and Love your wealthy dow'r!
“For Virtue, bright'ning fair, in Beauty's eyes,
“Outsoaring winged Fame, and Titles proud,
“That mock the idle crowd,
“Is meetly crown'd with Merits golden prize.
“And may the guardian Cohort of the skies,
“Who hold in charge your safety to maintain,
“Within the refuge of their wings embrace
“Your Life and Princely Race;
“And increase strengthen Hymen's golden chain.
“And may high Grace conduct your Kindred Train
“To share full bliss, when mortal pleasures fly,
“Angelic Saints, the streams of life among,
“Circling in radiant Throng,
“To crown your joys of Immortality.”


The mottos of the Epithalamium may be thus translated.


Sing muse! the nuptial song: May heav'n from high,
Smile on such union with propitious eye;
And sacred faith, in everlasting chain
Of golden concord, kindred hearts constrain.
Joy gild your days: long may your noble race
In Albion's isle preside, with lordly grace,
Tending the public weal; our anchor'd hope,
In peace, in war, their country's stable prop.


Thrice favour'd! to receive at Hymen's shrine,
What far the splendors of high birth outshine;
Truth, piety, and female honour pure,
Prime crown of love, bright beauty's richest dow'r.
From noblest stem, may hopeful branches shoot,
With blossom rip'ning into golden fruit:
Your gentle fates in pleasing current flow,
By heav'n conjoin'd, nor cloud nor sorrow know.