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On a Lady's singing, and playing upon the Harpsichord.
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On a Lady's singing, and playing upon the Harpsichord.

Say, Zephyr, what musick enchants the gay plains?
‘As soft and as sweet as the nightingale's strains;
‘My heart it goes pitapatee, with a bound,
‘And gently transported beats time to the sound.
‘O say, is it Sappho that touches the strings?
‘And some song of the Syren's you bear on your wings?’
Said Zephyr, and whisper'd distinctly the lays,
‘'Tis Belinda that sings, and Belinda that plays.’
Ah! swains, if you value your freedom, beware,
You hear her sweet voice, and I know that she's fair;
She's fair and inconstant; and thus with her art,
She will ravish your ears to inveigle your heart.