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A True History Of several Honourable Families of the Right Honourable Name of Scot

In the Shires of Roxburgh and Selkirk, and others adjacent. Gathered out of Ancient Chronicles, Histories, and Traditions of our Fathers. By Capt. Walter Scot, An old Souldier, and no Scholler, And one that can Write nane, But just the Letters of his Name

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Now follows the Antiquity of the Name of Scot.

Since from all danger Buckcleugh was free,
I must speak something of his Familie,
That Lord Buckcleugh his Fame spread far,
Call'd Walter Lord Scot of Whitchester;
Some late start-up bran-new Gentlemen,


That hardly knows from whence their Fathers came,
Except from red nos'd Robin,
Or Trail, Wallet, countrey Tom,
The sons of Cannongate Bess,
That well could play her Game;
Whose labouring heads as great as any house,
These calumnizing Fellows can stagger stare and shame,
And swear the name of Scot is but a new com'd Name,
These new cornuted Gentlemen, why should they lie,
Mr. George Buchannan and Hector Boetius can let them see,
A thousand years, if I do not forget,
By Chronicles I'le prove the Name of Scot.
In King Achaius time that worthy Prince,
John and Clement Scots they went to France,
In Paris they at first began,
In Charles the great his time,
To instruct the Christian Religion,
And there a Colledge they did frame,
Which doth remain unto this very time;
And he that doth not believe me,
Must read Buchannan, and he shall see;
Some other Authors I could give in,
But these are sufficient to them that's not blind;
Some says, they were not Scots to their Name,
But only Scots by Nation,
Yet Monks of Melross they were known,
Which then was in the Picts Kingdom.
John Earl of Channerth sirnamed Scot,
To die without Succession was his unfortunate lot:
Brave Alexander the first, a King both stout and good,
John Earl of Channerth married with his royal blood.
Before Alexander the first, his Brother Edgar did reign,


The first that was anointed of Scotland King;
Reverend John Scot he did surmount,
Who was Bishop Dumblane, and did the King anoint:
Mr. Michael Scot that read the Epistle at Rome,
He was in King Alexander the second's Reign,
Thomas Lermont was first his man,
That was called the Rymer ever since then;
And if my Author doeth speak truth,
Mr. Michael was descended from Buckcleugh;
And if my Author ye would know,
Bishop Spotswoods Book these Scots do show:
How can these randy Liars then,
Make the Scots to be a start-up Clan,
Sure new start-ups themselves must be,
For ancient Families scorns to lie:
But for the Antiquity of the Scot,
There's one thing I have almost forgot,
Which is not worthy of nomination,
Yet to mark Antiquity, I'le make relation;
In the second Session of King Davids Parliament,
There was a Statute made, which is yet extant,
That no man should presume to buy or sell,
With Highland men or Scots of Ewsdale;
Yet Ewsdale was not near the Forrest,
Where brave Buckcleugh did dwell,
According to the old Proverb,
They but fell from the Wains tail;
But when these Scots did bear that stile,
King David resided in Carlisle,
Without and infang they disturb'd his Court,
Which caus'd the King that Act set out:
Here I speak nought but truth, all Men may note,


The very true Antiquity of the Name of Scot,
And now my versing Muse craves some repose,
And while she sleeps, I'le spout a little prose.