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The works of Alexander Pennecuik

of New-Hall, M.D.; containing the description of Tweeddale, and miscellaneous poems. A new edition, with copious notes, forming a complete history of the county to the present time. To which are prefixed, memoirs of Dr Pennecuik, and a map of the shire of Peebles, or Tweeddale

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Farewell, my dearest Sovereign, for thy sake
I run down headlong to the Stygian lake;
For both with soul and body, in my station,
I serv'd thee, even to supererogation.
Oh, horror! have I done that dreadful thing,
Apostatiz'd from God to please my King.
All joys, dread Sir, I leave and loss for you,
Means, friends, sweet freedom, and salvation too.
Charon have o'er, thy barge shall ferry me
Where I shall never more Elysium see.
Melfort embark, my thrice unhappy brother,
Levi must row, and Simeon steer the rudder.
O Jesuits! you enemies to Jesus,
Try now if your black policy can save us;
You that have brought to ruin all you can,
A glorious monarch and a gallant man;
Our ancient King renown'd for power and strength,
By your soul murdering conduct brought this length,
O let me never more your order see,
For where they are, sure there the devil must be.