University of Virginia Library



As when some cruel Virgin's Pow'r,
Tears from its Stem the sprightly Flow'r,
Scorch'd by the Sun's attracting Fires
Sudden the transient Bloom retires,
And all its fragrant Soul expires;


Thus, Chloe, when thy beauteous Ray
Does o'er my dazled Eyeballs play,
Sudden my vital Springs depart,
And Calentures consume my Heart,
An Emblem of the Flow'r I lie,
I burn, I languish, faint and die.
But when thy rosy Lips bestow
The Charms which there can only glow,
I too a mutual Ardour boast,
Thy balmy Breath recalls my Ghost;
My Heart returns, my Eyes revive,
And tell thee, fair one, I'm alive.
Since then you thus command my Breath,
Sole Arbitress of Life and Death,


Bid all your Beauties dart Disease,
Vex, torture, kill me as you please,
But as you kill asswage my Pain,
And kiss me into Life again,
For since you thus your Lips employ,
To save the Man your Eyes destroy,
I'll freely like the Flow'r decay,
And die an hundred times a Day.