University of Virginia Library

No. 47. Cupid's Shaft


Through the smooth Fringe of shining Jett,
The Edging round your Eye-lid set,
His Bow the hidden Archer drew,
And shot your destin'd Captive through.


Stung to the Soul, in vain he roves
To Courts of Kings from silent Groves,
In vain He mingles with the Throng:
He bears th' invenom'd Shaft along.


Should he to Britain bid adieu,
Still would Your fatal Form pursue,
Climb up the Vessel's painted Side,
Or with the winged Courser ride.


Whether your Slave shall drag his Chain
Across the rough Hibernian Main,
Or his unalter'd Breast shall beat
In far Hesperia's sultry Heat.



Though foreign Nymphs may tempt his Eyes,
Still shall Your conqu'ring Image rise,
And teach to praise or slight the Fair
As they Your lov'd Resemblance bear.
[Tickell papers.]