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Basia Joannis Secundi Nicolai Hagensis

or The Kisses of Joannes Secundus Nicolaius of the Hague. In Latin and English Verse. With the Life of Secundus, and a Critic upon his Basia. Adorn'd with a Cut of the Author, and another of his Mistress Julia, engrav'd by the famous Bernard Picart the Roman [by George Ogle]

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By what Folly ill-betray'd,
Witless Creature! Thoughtless Maid!
By what madding Fury stung,
Coud'st Thou hurt this harm-less Tongue?
Sped by Thee, because no Dart
Errs from my un-guarded Heart;
Seems such Ill, no Art can cure,
Such! so-easy to indure?
That, new Weapons to destroy
On this Tongue Thou shoud'st imploy?
Tongue! that wont with Suns that rise;
Wont, with Suns that quit the Skies,
Thro' sad Nights, thro' tedious Days:
Tongue! ever-wont to sing thy Praise?
This is He, the faithful Tongue,
That so oft thy Praises sung.
Sung! those Locks of easy Flow!
Sung! those Breasts of Virgin Snow!
Sung! that Neck, which lovely-twines!
Sung! that Eye, which wanton-shines!
Sung! in such harmonious Lays,
As to Heav'n Neæra raise:


Far beyond the Fires of Jove:
Envy of all the God's above!
This! that sung Thee, my Delight!
Thee! Sole Pleasure of my Sight!
Thee! Sole Rapture of my Heart!
Thee! My Soul's far better Part!
Thee! My Passion! Thee! My Love!
Thee! My Turtle! Thee! My Dove!
Sung! in such harmonious Lays,
As to Heav'n Neæra raise;
Envy of the Gods above!
Envy of Venus, as of Jove!
Say, or hence proceeds thy Pride?
(Apt in Beauty to confide!)
Hence thy Pow'r? (Tyrannic Fair!)
That He stoops those Wrongs to bear.
By no Insult mov'd, or Pain,
From thy Praises to abstain.
Still extolling to the Skies,
Those delicious Lips and Eyes!
Ev'n those Teeth, ill-govern'd Arms!
Wanton Authors of his Harms!
Stamm'ring midst his bleeding Wounds,
Still He sings in broken Sounds!
Apt in Beauty to confide!
Fair Tyrant! hence thy Pow'r and Pride.