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Original poems on several subjects

In two volumes. By William Stevenson

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In imitation of the CIVth Psalm .

Nec viget quidquam simile aut secundum.

Ascend, my Muse, inferiour scenes give o'er,
On wing of fire celestial heights to soar.
No common subject now demands thy lays,
Nothing below the great Creator's praise;
Who systems calls to being when he wills,
Whose presence Nature's wide expansion fills,


But which, though not immensity confines,
In empyrean worlds transcendent shines.
Honour, his by prerogative alone,
Is ever the attendant on his throne;
While Majesty, approach'd with awe profound,
Encircles him ineffable around.
He clothes himself, unsufferably bright,
In all the pomp of uncreated light;
Though to frail mortals, but with breath inspir'd,
Darkness is his pavilion dread retir'd;
While seraphs, swelling the immortal strings,
Veil their astonish'd faces with their wings.
He spreads the spacious skies beneath his feet,
Like a vast curtain, or expansive sheet;
While æther swells transparently around,
Pure elemental fluid without bound.
On the broad deep the sapphire columns rise,
That bear up the huge circle of the skies;
Yon superb arch, where in full glory shine
Proofs of superiour wisdom and design.
Above, rais'd glorious by paternal hands,
The mighty palace of Jehovah stands.
Amazing height, and depth, and breadth, and length!
Surpassing splendour, grandeur, beauty, strength!


Eternity its basis! substance light!
Attendants angels! area infinite!
On ev'ry cloud a vehicle he finds,
And walks upon the pinions of the winds.
Through the vast stretch of infinite expanse,
Suns darken'd in their orbits at his glance,
Abroad he moves, omnipotently great,
In all the glorious majesty of state.
His angels round, that bend the duteous knee,
Are spirits of pre-eminent degree;
In whom glows out their Maker's image bright,
Efflux of breath divine, first-born of light.
His ministers bright rang'd before him stand,
To watch each signal of supreme command;
Active, as glances of ethereal fire,
To execute what his behests require;
Behests of mercy to his worlds around,
Dispers'd through all the depths of space profound.
Tempests themselves, impetuous as they blow,
Strongly convulsing Nature's frame below;
And lightnings, roll'd in vivid sheets around,
His dreadful ministers of wrath are found.
The mighty pillars of the Earth he laid,
And her foundations everlasting made.


In vain loud thunders break, and tempests rage,
She stands unmov'd though elements engage.
The swelling waters o'er the mountains rise,
The great Abyss heaves boundless to the skies;
At his rebuke the billows swoln subside,
Restrain their fury, and contract their tide;
With hasty tumult, and deep-felt uproar,
Down through the valleys seek their destin'd shore;
Where, circumscrib'd, immense barriers withstand
Their hostile inundations on the land;
While in his dwelling man secure resides,
Hears Ocean roar, nor dreads his angry tides.
He bids the springs gush forth among the hills,
To wander through the vales in silver rills;
Where, with his flock, the shepherd speeds his way,
And asses wild their ardent thirst allay;
Adown whose sides, wood-grown and vocal too,
The feather'd tribe their tuneful tasks renew;
His praise divine in choral numbers sing,
Oft as his smile turns Winter into Spring;
While echoes, up-rous'd by the general song,
Catch ev'ry measure, and each note prolong.
From his fraught clouds descend the timely rains,
To fatten and refresh the thirsty plains.


Æthereal fluid, of prolific pow'r,
To give the vernal and autumnal hour:
While all mankind their grateful joy declare,
Bless'd with each mark of kind indulgent care;
Content with what his various works produce,
Charm'd with their beauty, harmony, and use.
With flow'ry herbage he o'erspreads the field,
A rich repast the milky kind to yield,
In lusty droves that low from ev'ry hill,
While flocks beneath the bleating meadows fill.
And see the village-nymph, high-flush'd with health,
Exhaust each udder of its balmy wealth;
And homeward, guided by the twilight beam,
In frothing goblets bear the luscious stream.
Here, of fine movements, and majestic size,
With deep-arch'd neck, and lightning-kindled eyes;
Ears exquisitely-fashion'd, nostrils wide,
And mane that flutters in dishevell'd pride;
The sprightly horse, of more than vulgar breed,
Delights through Nature's green retreats to feed;
Or plunges, heated by the noon-tide beam,
Amid the gelid river's closing stream;
To cool the glow which through his vitals reigns,
And check the tide that shoots along his veins.


For Man he bids the juicy herb arise,
That Plenty still may feast his ravish'd eyes;
Bids various crops their turgid ears unfold,
Each valley waving in autumnal gold;
Bids the flush'd vine her purple clusters fill,
And balm from ev'ry unctuous shrub distill:
That wake to rapture man's expanded heart,
And vigour to his well-brac'd limbs impart;
To the soft cheek perpetual smiles bestow,
And to each feature Health's fresh roseate glow.
He calls the sap, detruded to the root,
Among the boughs a living tide to shoot;
And lo! a thousand forests stand display'd,
In all the verdant majesty of shade;
The hill-rais'd cedar, of superiour size,
Mounts in adumbrant verdure to the skies;
While zephyrs, thro' the full-spread solemn gloom,
With aromatic scents their wings perfume.
Hither the tuneful tenants of the air,
As to a hospitable lodge, repair;
Here, mutual pair'd, and by soft duties prest,
With care parental build the downy nest;
Here, on glad pinions waft the insect-food,
To soothe with tender life their callow brood;


Here, gently teach the infant-wing to rise,
Anon to stretch unbounded through the skies:
While in the bosom of a lofty fir
The stork enjoys the mansion rais'd for her.
On yonder tufted hill's romantic sides,
Whose brow sublime oft the blue vapour hides,
The wild-goats upward climb their dauntless way,
Where Fancy's footsteps dread themselves to stray.
Self-taught to climb, beneath no shepherd's charge,
On Nature's hidden boon they feed at large;
While in the rocks below, and shrubby dells,
The nimble-footed cony silent dwells;
At each return of eve, or dewy morn,
Stol'n forth to nibble through the bladed corn.
Kindled from the refulgence of his eye,
The sun assum'd his station in the sky;
Earth an unnumber'd progeny to give,
And bid ten thousand forms of being live;
Each season to enjoy its destin'd range,
And day and night observe alternate change.
In what bright beams of glory he ascends!
How to his rise the gen'ral eye attends!
How grand in Noon's refulgency of light!
How soft his setting radiance on the sight!


At his command the full-orb'd Moon arose.
To mount her chariot at the twilight close;
Relieve faint Nature from noon's sultry blaze,
Amid the languish of her softer rays.
Through vistas lone how mild her splendours gleam!
How ocean swells beneath the placid beam!
At her approach what crouds of twinkling stars
Round Night's pale empress whirl their silver cars!
Down the crystalline void, with graceful bend,
He bids the rainbow's dewy prisms extend.
From clime to clime the sign æthereal's seen,
Radiant with orange, purple, and with green.
Behind a broken watery cloud, the sun
In one grand arch sees all his splendours run;
To tell mankind no deluge shall o'erflow,
As heretofore, the fated world below;
But that bland moisture and refreshing show'rs,
To give the earth new vegetative pow'rs,
Soon as the fulgid wonder bends o'er all,
Shall from the air-suspended conduits fall;
To a light texture loose the kindly soil,
And half anticipate the peasant's toil.
Men view, with grateful hearts, and ravish'd eyes,
The ample glory stretch'd across the skies;


Meanly indulge alarming doubts no more,
But prostrate kneel, sing praises, and adore.
Darkness from Him its dreary being takes,
When only Rapine, back'd by Murder, wakes;
When, more than half-rejoic'd Creation gone
To those chaste welcome slumbers toil brings on;
Their aspects fierce the prowling race assume,
Quit their dank caves, and stalk the rueful gloom.
Rabid and gaunt, abruptly forth they pour,
And add fresh horrours to the midnight hour;
While but the moon, with pale reluctant ray,
Shines conscious of their outrage on the prey.
How swift their steps the trackless wilds explore!
How loud the repercussions of their roar!
How quake the world of animals around,
Hid in their holes, or scamp'ring o'er the ground!
The Lion, in majestic terrour proud,
To awful silence hush'd the savage croud;
Steps forth with slumber sullenly content,
On slaughter and assault indignant bent.
Enrag'd by want the shaggy monarch stands,
And with redoubled roar his food demands;
He rears his mane, discloses wide his jaw,
And tears the prey beneath his ruthless paw.


From the bright chambers of the East, at length,
The sun arises, glorious in his strength;
The sanguine tribe, each to his gloomy den,
Retreat apace in gather'd troops from men.
There, stretch'd behind huge carnage-clotted stones,
Mid ghastly sculls, crush'd limbs, and fractur'd bones,
Deep-gorg'd with blood, all-horridly they sleep,
Or yawning grim, unceasing growlings keep.
Eternal Sov'reign of the starry skies!
Where-e'er we cast our wonder-gazing eyes,
How admirable, how immense are found
Thy works, through all creation's ample round!
Of matchless skill what master touches shine!
What signatures of workmanship divine?
Till human thoughts, howe'er aloft they tow'r,
Are lost in thy infinity of pow'r!
O'er yonder wide cœrulean tracts on high,
Thee in thy blaze of glory we descry;
Thy Godhead's brightest characters survey,
Nor need our Bible's mandate to obey:
There, while suns unextinguishably burn,
And planets on their golden axles turn;
While comets take their grand æthereal range,
And seasons in sublime progression change.


But if the pinion aquiline descends,
And to the Earth its downward flight extends;
Earth we behold exhibit ev'ry hour,
Like proofs of sapience, and creative pow'r;
But chief of love paternal, that o'er all
Thy other works for admiration call;
Till with big transports each full heart runs o'er,
And man's capacious wish can grasp no more!
Here swells the ocean boundless to the view,
Whose amber depths conceal thy wonders too.
Here, wafted pathless through the booming tide,
Beyond arrangement animals reside;
Some of stupendous size, while gradual some,
Smaller almost to infinite become.
What eye not more than mortal can extend,
Where these tumultuous worlds of water end?
Whoe'er the gulf unfathomable plumb'd?
Its islands number'd, or its treasures summ'd?
Here, with broad sheets unloos'ned to the gale,
Like flying castles, trade-built navies sail;
Loaded with all the wealth of distant shores,
What Luxury affects, or Want implores.
Hence Nature's various products intermix'd,
And bounds to home-bred prejudices fix'd;


Hence elegance of manners takes its rise,
And those fine arts affected by the wise;
Hence ties commercial bind consenting states,
While public faith secures, and justice rates;
Hence friendly feelings wake the social heart,
And int'rests join, whom mighty oceans part.
Here huge Leviathans their dwellings keep,
Monarchs enormous of the billowy deep;
In awkward gambols, and unwieldy play,
Like living mountains sweep their uncouth way;
O'er the swoln surge in clumsy grandeur rise,
And squirt the liquid columns to the skies.
When the black tempest's midnight terrours form,
And flame and thunders aggravate the storm;
The cumbrous potent of the scaly throng
Heaves unalarm'd his shapeless bulk along;
Nature's dread aspect all sedate he braves,
Amid the tumult of conflicting waves;
Or sportive, while the elements engage,
Deepens their horrours, and augments their rage.
These all promiscuous, happy with their state,
Daily on thee, Almighty Father, wait;
Wait in observance of thy high command,
To catch the prompt allowance from thy hand:


It they receive, are satisfy'd, and own,
With pleas'd content, to them thy bounty shown!
To Earth aghast is turn'd thy wrathful look,
The Earth is to her inmost basis shook;
Sudden, at thy tremendous touch burst out
In smoke the kindled mountains all about;
Their loos'd foundations to the bottom rock,
And nature to the centre feels the shock.
Displeasure veils the smiles upon thy face,
Dismay and anguish seize the human race;
Thy finger interrupts their fleeting breath,
They faint, they sink, o'erwhelm'd by instant death;
Prostrate in ashes own thy vengeance just,
Drop into nothing, and return to dust.
From thy dread brow the cloud of anger falls,
Thy voice with Mercy's tender accents calls;
From depths of sorrow man erects his eye,
To thee, great God, and thy relenting sky;
Renew'd in beauty earth rejoicing stands,
As first form'd perfect from thy plastic hands.
So cloth'd in storms and vapours for a robe,
Stretching his iron sceptre o'er the globe;
When Winter steps abroad with sullen frown,
From rocks abrupt his torrents tumbling down;


The rural world, its vegetation gone,
A wither'd form and aspect pale puts on;
Gay beauty's soft diversities of hue
Unfold no more, bedropt with pearly dew;
Joyless the eye, round the wide landscape thrown,
Sees one vast scene with wildness overgrown.
But, when transported on a zephyr's wing,
From heav'n alights the rosy-featur'd Spring;
To Earth's cold centre, long unknown to day,
Extends the Season's vivifying ray:
Nature no more with mists invested glooms,
But one unbounded jocund smile assumes;
To vegetable life each object wakes,
And Ruin her dread paths below forsakes.
The glory of Jehovah shall endure,
On rectitude his throne establish'd sure,
Eternal, incommunicably bright,
When yonder orbs are whelm'd in central night;
When worlds in myriads through the mighty void,
Have been in turns created and destroy'd.
In his grand works, of each sublime degree,
Shall his supreme complacence ever be.
His works, each plann'd for some peculiar race,
That croud the infinite profound of space!


His works, to which compar'd, how strangely small
The little extent of our atom ball!
His works, howe'er unmeasurably great,
That nothing seem, if by a God we rate!
His works, which but himself can comprehend,
The rap'trous song of angels without end!
While salient life shoots through these conscious veins,
And animation's latest spark remains;
To thee, all-gracious Parent of the skies!
My hymns on Faith's ecstatic wing shall rise.
Thy orient sun shall hear my song renew'd,
Ardent to his late parting blush pursu'd.
Of thee, essential Excellence! of thee,
Sweet shall each stated meditation be!
Unutterably sweet, when pain, or grief
Mocks the vain impotence of man's relief!
In Thee, Supreme! alone will I rejoice,
To Thee alone exalt my grateful voice.
On Thee alone for support will I call,
In Thee alone my wishes center all.
Let those, ingrate, their own deluded foes,
Who dare Jehovah's outstretch'd arm oppose,
And at his dread perfections fearless scoff,
Be, unlamented, from mankind cut off;


Lest yet their guilt to bolder heights should rise,
Astonish earth, and irritate the skies.
But thou, my soul, thy nobler pow'rs exert,
To act through life a less presumptuous part;
To know thyself, that sum of wisdom when
All other boasted knowledge dies with men.
Still persevere in Virtue's sacred way,
And all her laws with promptitude obey.
Offer thy Maker still a holy flame,
And bless for ever his transcendent name.

The 104th Psalm is, perhaps, one of the finest compositions of antiquity, and only wants the appendage of some celebrated Heathen's name to be universally admired. It has undergone a variety of versions by some of the most distinguished wits, no less than twelve to the writer's own knowledge; all of them inspired with a laudable emulation to imitate or preserve the beauty of the sublime original. Of these, ten are in a learned language. No wonder therefore, if little new or striking should occur in the present attempt to illustrate this Divine Ode.