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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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[From thy long Languishing, and painful Strife]

From thy long Languishing, and painful Strife
Of Breath with Labour drawn, and wasting Life,
Accomplish'd Spirit! thou at length art free,
Born into Bliss and Immortality!
Thy Struggles are no more; the Palm is won;
Thy Brows encircled with the Victor's Crown;
While lonely left, and desolate below,
Full Grief I feel, and all a Brother's Woe!
Yet wou'd I linger on, a little Space,
Before I close my quick-expiring Race,
Till I have gather'd up, with grateful Pains,
Thy Works, thy dear Unperishing Remains;


An Undecaying Monument to stand,
Rais'd to thy Name by thy own skilful Hand.
Then let me wing from Earth my willing Way,
To meet thy Soul in Blaze of living Day,
Rapt to the Skies, like Thee, with joyful Flight,
An Inmate of the Heav'ns, adopted into Light!
30 March, 1720.
Jabez Hughes Ob. 17 Jan. 1731, Anno Æt. 46.