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Or, The Love of David. A Poem. Written by Samuel Cobb

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'Twas now the time when Night's prevailing shade,
And grateful Darkness did the World invade;
All Nature sleeps; Birds to their Nests repair,
Nor longer Murmur through the dusky Air.
Beasts lie extended on their hollow Beds,
And drowsy Cedars nod their leafy Heads.
Ev'n Storms are silent, and loud Tempests sleep,
Whales slumber in the Chambers of the Deep.


Yet wakeful David can enjoy no rest,
Whilst various Thoughts disturb his anxious Breast.
All Night his Mind's imploy'd the Just to kill,
Who fear'd no danger, for he knew no ill.
At last th' Inhumane bloody King designs
His Fall, and writes his Death in fatal Lines.