University of Virginia Library


------ Solis ad ortus
Vanescit fumus.

Blest leaf! whose aromatick gales dispense
To templars modesty, to parsons sense:
So raptur'd priests, at fam'd Dodona's shrine
Drank inspiration from the steam divine.
Poison that cures, a vapour that affords
Content, more solid than the smile of lords:
Rest to the weary, to the hungry food,
The last kind refuge of the Wise and Good.
Inspir'd by thee, dull cits adjust the scale
Of Europe's peace, when other statesmen fail.
By thee protected, and thy sister, beer,
Poets rejoice, nor think the bailiff near.
Nor less the critick owns thy genial aid,
While supperless he plies the piddling trade.
What tho' to love and softs delights a foe,
By ladies hated, hated by the beau,


Yet social freedom, long to courts unknown,
Fair health, fair truth, and virtue are thy own,
Come to thy poet, come with healing wings,
And let me taste thee unexcis'd by kings.