University of Virginia Library


[pray we to oure lady dere for here holy grace]

pray we to oure lady dere for here holy grace
Sche saw yeis women all bedene
both for sorow and for tene
Madys and wyuys and weduys in weme
all be yei fayre in face


Women be both good and hend
Clen curteys cumly and kend
Yche a cumpany is wele amende
yf a woman be in a plase
Of a woman com all oure blys
yr for I loue hem all I wys
qwo so euer seyth on hem amys
be god he gawyd in hys face
Were a man in sore syynge
A woman xall hym out bryng
And wt a kys lesse hys mornyng
and sette hym in solace
yies men arne falce fekyll in thoȝth
women be wood yt trow hem howt
for welle yie hote and hold it noth
but spek in here song
dere lady to yi son yu pray
he synd yeis women os he wylle may
for false men yt downe hym tray
yt yem sene he neuer in face