University of Virginia Library


[Thys ender nyȝth]

Thys ender nyȝth
I saw a syȝth
a ster as bryȝth as day
And euer among
A maydyn song[:]
by by baby lullay
Thys vyrgyn clere
wythowtyn pere
vnto hur son gane sing[:]
my son my lorde
my fathere dere
why lyest thow in hay[?]
me thenke be ryght
thow kyng & knyght
shulde lye in ryche aray[!]
yet none the lesse
I wyll not cess
to syng by by lullay[!]
Thys babe full bayne
aunsweryd agayne[,]
& thus me thought he sayde[:]
I am a kyng
above all thyng
yn hay yff I be layde[!]
for ye shall see
that kynges thre
shall cū on twelfe day[.]
for thys behest
geffe me [thy] brest
& sing by baby lullay[!]


My son I say
wythowttyn nay
thow art my derlyng dere
I shall the kepe
whyle thow dost slepe
& make the goode chere.
And all thy whylle
I wyll fulfill
thou wotyst hyt well yn fay[.]
yet more then thys
I wyll the kys
and syng by baby lullay[.]
My moder swete
when I haue slepe[,]
then take me vp at last
vppon yor kne
thatt [y]e sett me
and handell me full soft
& yn yor arme
lap me ryght / warme
& kepe me myght & day
and yff I wepe
and can nott slepe
syng by by baby lullay[.]
My son my lorde
my father dere
syth all ys at thy wyll[,]
I pray the son
graunte me a bone
yff hyt be ryght & skylle[:]
that chylde or man
may euer come
be mercy on thys day[,]
to blys them bryng
& I shall syng
by by baby lullay
& I shall syng
by by baby lullay[.]
My mother shene
of heuyn quene
yor askyng shall I spede[,]
so that the myrth
dysplease me nott
yn [wordys] / nor in dede[,]


syng what ye wyll
so that ye fullfyll
my ten cōmaundements ay[,]
ay yow for to please
let them nott sesse
to syng baby lullay.