University of Virginia Library

A THANKESGEVINGE TO god for delyuerynge from aduersitie.

Ecclesiastus the laste.

I thanke the lorde & god my kynge
And praise the Christe my sauyour
Early and late whiles I here lyue
Alwaye to exalte thyne honoure.
I wyll yelde prayse vnto thy name
For thou hast bene my buckeler
Against those men that sought my lyfe
Thou art my ayde and soccoure

And hast preserued my body
Irō them that thought to destroy it
With their false and trayterous tonges
Yet coulde they nothynge anoye it
Thou gauest me the vpperhande
Of them that rose vp against me
So that my foes could find no cause
Of right to triumph ouer me.
When I was compassed rounde about
And no man by that coulde helpe me
I loked backe but none was there
that then myght helpe or succour me
Then lord thought I vpon thine actes
And had in mynde thy great mercye
Namely of olde howe thou doest them
Preserue that put their truste in the
Thus lyft I vp my prayer then
and prayed for delyueraunce
Thou lorde dyddest heare me by and by
Wherof I had perseueraunce,
Therfore wil I acknowledge the

So longe as lyfe doth in me byde
I wil not stynt thy name to praise
Throughout the worlde so wyde: