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Agneta secundo
After þat þis luþer folk þis holy maide slou
Hure kynesmen þat louede hure wel sori were inou
Þer was wop and deol inou and eche niȝt hy laie
And wope þer he[o] was ibured for hi ne dorste noȝt bidaie
Seueniȝt afterward þat þe luþer folk hure slou
As hy leiȝe at hure buriels in deol & sorwe inou
And wope for þis holy maide þo seie hi at midniȝt
Touward hom come wel softe as it were a gret liȝt
Hure kynesmen þat louede hure wel sori were inou
Þer was wop and deol inou and eche niȝt hy laie
And wope þer he[o] was ibured for hi ne dorste noȝt bidaie
Seueniȝt afterward þat þe luþer folk hure slou
As hy leiȝe at hure buriels in deol & sorwe inou
And wope for þis holy maide þo seie hi at midniȝt
Touward hom come wel softe as it were a gret liȝt
Þo com þer a companie þe fairoste þat miȝte be[o]
Of maidens al of briȝte golde þat ioie it was to se[o]
Amid þis faire companie seint Anneis hy seie
So muche ioie as hure was wiþ hi ne seie neuere wiþ eiȝe
A lomb wittore þanne eny þing ȝeode by hure riȝt side
Þo seint Anneis isey hure kun hure felawes he[o] bad abide
He[o] stod up and spak wiþ hom wiþ gret ioie inou
Wy weope ȝe he[o] sede for mi deþ iseþ nou ȝoure wou
Noþing ded ne holdeþ me ac in alle ioye ȝe be[o]
For ich am aliue in ioie inou as ȝe mowe her ise[o]
Wiþ þis faire companie virgines faire and hende
In þe ioie of heuene ich am & worþ wiþoute ende
Of maidens al of briȝte golde þat ioie it was to se[o]
Amid þis faire companie seint Anneis hy seie
A lomb wittore þanne eny þing ȝeode by hure riȝt side
Þo seint Anneis isey hure kun hure felawes he[o] bad abide
He[o] stod up and spak wiþ hom wiþ gret ioie inou
Wy weope ȝe he[o] sede for mi deþ iseþ nou ȝoure wou
Noþing ded ne holdeþ me ac in alle ioye ȝe be[o]
For ich am aliue in ioie inou as ȝe mowe her ise[o]
Wiþ þis faire companie virgines faire and hende
In þe ioie of heuene ich am & worþ wiþoute ende
Seint Anneis wiþ hure companie aȝen to heuene drou
Hure kun was after þulke tyme for hure in ioie inou
Þis miracle was wide couþ so þat hit sone sprong
To Constantine þe emperor and to al is court along
So þat Constance his doȝter in wan was al is þoȝt
In siknesse strang inou and ssendfol was ibroȝt
Hure kun was after þulke tyme for hure in ioie inou
Þis miracle was wide couþ so þat hit sone sprong
To Constantine þe emperor and to al is court along
So þat Constance his doȝter in wan was al is þoȝt
In siknesse strang inou and ssendfol was ibroȝt
In þe gret uuel he[o] was so strang þat hure nas a stude bileued
Þat nas fol of quiture & of ssab fram hure uet to hure heued
Þe deol þat for hure ymaked was no tonge nemay telle
For more angwise nemiȝte be[o] bote it were pine of helle
Þo þis miracle was icud as oure Louerd þe grace sende
Þere seint Anneis was ibured þis sike mayde wende
Þat nas fol of quiture & of ssab fram hure uet to hure heued
Þe deol þat for hure ymaked was no tonge nemay telle
For more angwise nemiȝte be[o] bote it were pine of helle
Þo þis miracle was icud as oure Louerd þe grace sende
Þere seint Anneis was ibured þis sike mayde wende
On seint Anneis he[o] cride þat he[o] hure erende bere
Þat oure Louerd hure hele sende heþene þei he[o] were
A[s] he[o] cride þus on seint Anneis a softe slep hure nom
Þo þoȝte hure þat þis holy maide seint Anneis to hure com
Constance he sede change þi þoȝt & biluf in Iesu Crist
And þou worst hol ar þou arise in þe stude þer þou list
Þat oure Louerd hure hele sende heþene þei he[o] were
A[s] he[o] cride þus on seint Anneis a softe slep hure nom
Þo þoȝte hure þat þis holy maide seint Anneis to hure com
Constance he sede change þi þoȝt & biluf in Iesu Crist
And þou worst hol ar þou arise in þe stude þer þou list
Þis maide awok & byhuld hure lymes aboute echon
He[o] uelde hure faire & clene inou of fleiss and of bon
Of þe strange sores þat on hure were þer nas isene noȝt on
Ne in þe stude war hi hadde ibe[o] namore þanne in a ston
He[o] aros up clene inou and þonkede God anon
And to grete ioie of al hure frend hamward he[o] com gon
And byluuede on Iesu Crist and ibaptized was
Monimon nom Cristendom for þis holy cas
Þis was lo a uair miracle of seint Anneis iwis
Nou God vs bringe to þulke ioye þat þis maide inne is
He[o] uelde hure faire & clene inou of fleiss and of bon
Of þe strange sores þat on hure were þer nas isene noȝt on
He[o] aros up clene inou and þonkede God anon
And to grete ioie of al hure frend hamward he[o] com gon
And byluuede on Iesu Crist and ibaptized was
Monimon nom Cristendom for þis holy cas
Þis was lo a uair miracle of seint Anneis iwis
Nou God vs bringe to þulke ioye þat þis maide inne is
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