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The Lay Folks' Catechism, or the English and Latin versions of Archbishop Thoresby's Instruction for the People

Together with a Wycliffite adaptation of the same, and the corresponding canons of the council of Lambeth. With introduction, notes, glossary, and index, by the late Thomas Frederick Simmons ... and Henry Edward Nolloth

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Pater noster. qui es in celis.

We schull be-leue þat þis pater noster.
þat crist hym self techis to alle cristyn men.
passys oþer prayers in these thre thyngis.
In auctorite. In sotylte. and profyt to his chyrche.
Hyt passis in auctorite. For crist hym self boþe god and man ;
made yt and tauȝt hyt: for cristyn men to vse hyt.
And he ys most of auctorite as oure be-leue techis vs.
And here-fore þe gospel of Mathew. seys þat crist bad vs pray thus.


Hyt passys also in sotylte. For we schulle vndyrstonde.
þat in þese vij askyngkys are conteyned
alle þe poyntys of þis world in þe whiche is ony wyt
And so schortly to comprehend so moche wyt in playn wordys


ys a sotylte of god passyng þe wyt of man.
The þrydde we schulle suppose þat no prayer in þe world
is more profitable to man sythen þat crist hym self schal here al.
The fyrst askynge of þis pater noster stondis in þese wordis
Our fadyr þat art in heuyn: halwyd be þy name.
In whyche wordys. we mow lerne þat men worthy to be herd ;
must be knyt in charite. and meknese of herte.
sythen al þe holyte (sic) trinite ys fadyr of vs alle
and holy chyrche is modyr. we schulde loue as breþern.
And sethen god ys so hyȝ in heuyn a-boue al his angelys.
and we be so low in erthe. wrappid with many myscheuys./
we schulde be resoun be meke and buxum to þis lord
and mekely pray to oure fadyr þatt halwyd be his name.
So as his name ys halowyd nedlych in hym-self ;
so be hys name halwyd. and stedfast in oure sowle.
For whan oure sowle was mad to lyknesse of þe trinte:
goddis hyȝ name was prentyd þeryn.
The secunde askynge of þis prayer. stondys in these wordys.
Thy reme come to þe, in-to þe blysse of heuyn.
In so as þe furste askynge. answerys to þe fadyr ;
so þe secunde askynge a[n]swerys to þe sone.
For he ys þat nobyl man. þat com down in-to erthe
to gete hym a Reme. and aftyr to turne aȝen.
The Reme of þis fadyr ys callyd Holy chyrche.


þat at þe day of dome schal go hennys in-to heuyn
The thrydde askynge. seyth þus Be thy wylle don.
as yt ys fully don in hevyn ; so be yt don in erthe.
And þis thrydde askynge. answeris to þe holy gost
ffor he ys good loue of þe ffadyr. and of þe sone.
And al-thaw þese askyngys most nedelynge be fulfyllyd ;
natheles mannys sowle ys lyfte vp with charite
with desyre heyȝed with god. and þat ys a prayer
Thus we seye blyssyd be god. and oþer thyngys þat nedis mot be
And þese thre askyngys ; arn to þe holy Trinite.
And þerfore we schape oure wordys only to god.
The secunde part of þis prayer conteynes foure askyngys.
Furst we preye oure fadyr þus
Fadyr oure eche day bred gyf vs to day.
And þis may be wel vndirstonde ; on þre manerys.
as seynt Austyn seyþ be wit of god almyȝthy.
Furst we aske oure bodely fode ; for to serue oure fadyr.
aftyr we aske þe sacrament to haue mende of oure Fadyr.
And aftyrward we aske goddys word to fede with oure sowle.
And for we haue nede of alle þese yche day ;
þerfore crist callys hem oure eche day bred.
and for we schulde be trewe ; and ete oure owne bred ;
[And not in wrong ete our neeghboris breed]
þerfore crist techis vs to aske of hym oure bred.
And for crist wolde þat oure hope were freschyd in hym ;
oure thogth and oure mynde. and alle oure desyre ;


þerfore he byddys vs aske þis mete of hym to day
The secunde part of þis askyngge (askynge of þis part) sewyþ in þese wordys.
For-ȝeue vs oure dettys ; as we do to oure dettours.
These dettys þat we owe to god ; ar seruyse þat we owe to hym.
And as ofte tymes as we fayle ; we renne in-to dette of peyne.
and but god for-ȝeue vs þis dette of synne ;
we be nat worthy to haue auȝt of oure fadyr.
And for god wyl þat we loue oure breþeryn.
he knyttys to a condicioun vndyr whyche ; we aske þis bone.
þat he schulde forȝeue vs oure dettys; as we forȝeue oure dettowrys.
So þat ȝif we be vn-mercyful to men þat be oure dettours
trist we to oure fadyr þat he wyl punysche vs.
And so we praye oure hyȝe iuge aȝens oure owyn hed.
But vndirstonde we. þat we mowe lefully
aske of oure broþern dette of erthelyche thyngys.
but þis askynge mot be in resoun and charite.
And þan yt [is] for charite and loue and profyt to oure neyȝebore.
and here we mot fle bothe rancour and hate.
and envye to oure [neyȝbore] with oþer schrewde castys
The thrydde askynge of þis part swyt in these wordys.
Oure Fadyr lede vs nat in temptacioun.//
Soþ yt ys þat crist was temptyd. and god temptys man for loue.


But hard it ys and greuous peyne to be lad in temptacioun.
For whan man of his foly. in-to myre of synne fallys.
Ryȝt jugement of god wol make hym synke deppyr./
And herfore we pray hym our fadyr
þat he lede vs nat in-to þis hardnesse of synne
lest we come neuer owt.
And herfore þe laste askynge sewyþ in þese wordis.
But gracius fadyr delyuere vs fro euyl.
The worst þynge in þis world is wykkydnesse of synne.
Sytthe a man for noþynge schulde wylle to do synne ;
sythen for al þis world. ne nogtȝ þer-yn schuld ony man do synne.
But sythen sum synnes be moche werse þan sum ;
In þis last askynge we pray delyueraunce of þe werste synne.
The werst synne ys þe deuelys synne
þat man deyes yn withoute repentaunce.
þat euyr schal be punyschyd. and þat callys þe gospel ;
synne aȝenst þe holy gost.
God for his grete mercy ; kepe vs fro þis euyl.
And þan schulen we haue euer-lastyngge fredam.