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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Aliud mirabile. Orosius & Innocencius papa iijus

Another wonder fel þat day,
As both Oras & Innocent
beren witnes in gode fay,
As I to telle now am in-tent.
A walle of water by Rome þer was,
that al þat day fro morne to nyȝt
was turnet to oile & wallet vp has
oile hastily in mennus siȝt.
Ouerthwert Tiber, þe water of Rome,
hit ran a streme al day ful strong,
of that walle þat thethen come
thurgh-out þe water his way con fong.
So Sibille propheciet bifore,
that oile out of þe erth shuld spryng
quen Goddes son shuld be Ibore,
As soth was founden & no lesyng.
That day was seen als sikerly
thre sonnes on þe firmament,
that afterward ful wonderly
Into one substaunce al þai went.
Quich sight may wel signifye
thre thyngus, as I shal now say her,
saule, flesch, godhede, as leue I,
that þen wer gederet alle in fer,
And thre persouns als spiritualy,
I vnderstonde in gode maner,
to one substaunce wenten in hy,
that verray God was, bout wer.