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Here followeth three Satyricall Lashes or Jerks, given with the Pen of the Authour, at or upon the Devil's Ars a Peak.

Pens , are most dangerous Tools, more sharp by ods
Then Swords, and cut more keene then Whips or Rods,
Therefore (most high and mighty Duke of Dis)
Commander where the Lake Avernus is,
Great Lord of Limbo, Styx, and Phlegeton,
Of Tartarus, Gehenna, Acheron,
Most potent Monarch of black Erebus,
Prince of the Triple-headed Cerberus,


Sole Emperour of Darknesse, and dark works,
Master of Hereticks, Infidels and Turks,
Arch-flammin of hot Tophets smouldring flames,
King of Cocytus, and th'infernall streams,
Earle of all Errors, and chief Dominator
Of all sins done, by Earth, Ayre, Land, or Water,
Viscount, and Baron of large Barathrum,
Since I have lived to come so neare your Bum,
As is your wicked worships Ars a Peake,
Though some men think my Muse is all too weake;
I with my Pen doe meane to yerke and ferke ye,
And (as I promis'd) with three jerkes will jerke ye.
I know that many fooles will jeere and frumpe,
That I durst come so neare the Divells Rumpe,
And lash with my poore penne Satyricall,
This great Don Diego Diabolicall:
But I would have him and his friends to know,
I jeere him not, for all his Bug-bare show:
'Tis knowne that he, and all that him attend,
To any Poet never was a friend:
And therefore now I daring him oppose,
And jerke his hellish Majesty in Prose.