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Poems of James Graham: Marquis of Montrose

... With introduction and notes by J. L. Weir ... and a preface by the Rt. Hon. Lord Tweedsmuir

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Burst out my Soul in Main of Tears,
And thou my Heart Sighs Tempest move,
My Tongue let never Plaints forbear,
But murmure still my crossed Love;
Combine together all in one,
And thunder forth my tragick Moan.
But, tush, poor Drop, cut Breath, broke Air,
Can you my Passions [ere] express?
No: rather but augment my Care,
In making them appear the less.
Seeing [that] but from small Woes Words do come,
And great ones they sing always dumb.
My swelling Griefs then bend your self
This fatal Breast of mine to fill,
The Center where all Sorrows dwell,
The Limbeck where all Griefs distil,
That silent thus in Plaints, I may
Consume and melt myself away.


Yet that I may contented die,
I only wish, before my Death,
Transparent that my Breast may be,
E're that I do expire my Breath;
Since Sighs, Tears, Plaints, express no Smart,
It might be seen into my Heart.