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An howres recreation in Musicke, apt for Instrumentes and voyces

Framed for the delight of Gentlemen and others which are wel affected to that qualitie, All for the most part with two trebles, necessarie for such as teach in priuate families, with a prayer for the long preseruation of the King and his posteritie, and a thankesgiuing for the deliuerance of the whole estate from the late conspiracie

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[VII. I can no more but hope good hart]

I can no more but hope good hart

I can no more but hope good hart, no more but hope good hart, for thogh the worst doth chāce to fal, I know a wile shal ease thy smart, a wile shall ease thy smart & turne to sweete thy sugred gall, when thy good will and painfull suite hath shakt the tree and wants the fruit then keepe thou patience well in store, that souraigne salue shall heale thysore, that soueraigne salue shall heale thy sore.