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A Mvsicall Dreame

Or The Fovrth Booke Of Ayres, The First part is for the Lute, two Voyces, and the Viole de Gambo; The Second part is for the Lute, the Viole and foure Voices to Sing: The Third part is for one Voyce alone, or to the Lute, the Basse Viole, or to both if you please, VVhereof, two are Italian Ayres

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[Farewell fond youth, if thou hadst not bin blind]


Farewell fond youth, if thou hadst not bin blind
Out of my eye thou mightst haue read my minde,
But now I plainely see how thou wouldst faine leaue me;
Sure I was a curst,
Not to goe at first
Sure I was a curst O fie fie no,
Sweete stay & I will tell thee why no


Once more farewell, since first I heard thee speake,
And had but sung farewell, my heart would breake,
But now since I doe find thy loue is like the wind,
What a foole was I
To be like to die.
What a foole was I, I was not,
Yet say I was a foole I passe not.


Woes me alasse, why did I let him goe,
These be the fruites of idle saying no,
Now that he can disproue me, how shall he euer loue me,
Nay but is he gone,
Then I am vndone,
Nay but is he gone, O hold him,
Fie, forty things are yet vntold him