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Iosephs Epitaph.

His Fathers Darling, mothers deare delight.
Obiect of Satans malice, Brethrens spite:
To Master iust; chaste, faithful to his Dame:
Jn Prison free, cōdemn'd, yet void of blame:
From Dungeon raisd to highest reputation,
By Wisdome, Counsell, Dreames, and Diuinatiō:
Thus God by him a great deliuerance wrought,
In sauing them, who his destruction sought:
A diligent, wise, prouident Obseruer,
And therefore of Mankinde a great preseruer.
In Padan borne, In Canaan nourished,
In Midian bound, in Ægypt honoured,
From whence his soule flew to eternall Rest,
His Bones here in like expectation rest.
He sau'd from Famine, King, Priests, People all,
For which his seede and Nation they enthrall:
Vnworthy Ægypt! of this sacred Vrne,
Who such rewards for merits dost returne.
Svsanna was of all thy Poems best,
But Ioseph her excels, as shee the rest.