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The Blessed Birth-day

celebrated in some religious meditations on the Angels Anthem. Lvc. 2. 14. Also holy transportations, in contemplating some of the most obserueable adiuncts about our Saviours Nativity. Extracted for the most part out of the Sacred Scriptures, Ancient Fathers, Christian Poets. And some moderne Approved Authors. By Charles Fitz-Geffry. The second Edition with Additions

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Peace, damned Heretike, blaspheame no more,
Say not, the Father was in time before
The Sonne: And that there was a time wherein
The Sonne was not, who did in time begin
To bee: For here is no priority
In time, in Deity, in dignity.
Indeed the Persons we doe different name,


The substance, Essence, Honour is the same.
No time before the Father ever was,
No time before the Sonne did ever passe.
What thred of time before him could be spinning
Who is the word which was in times beginning?
That word which ever was with God: that Word
Which ever was, is, shall be, God the Lord.
What time could be before him, who did frame
Both time, and all that man doth creature name?
Same God, same Essence, same Eternity,
And all the same saue Personality.
The Sonne (we say, and doe not say amisse)
The same, not who, but what the Father is.
Same, not the same: The Father and the Sonne
Not same in Person, are in substance one:
One yet not one: Father and sonne, we say,
One God indeed, but not one person they.
The Sonne of God, both Sonne and God must be,
God of himselfe, Sonne of his Father he.
So nor the Father is the Sonne, nor yet
The Sonne the Father, who did him beget:
But both the Father, and the Sonne the Word,
One God we doe acknowledge and one Lord.
Shew then the time, proud Heretike, wherein
The Sonne was not, who ever God hath beene:
Shew when the Sonne was not, who though the Sonne
Yet o the eternall Fathers name hath wonne:


Shew when he did begin to be, who seeing
Hee's God, with God had everlasting being.
Assigne a time beyond eternity,
If not, recant thy cursed heresy.
What time what distance could there be betweene
Who both are one and ever so haue beene?
If Christ be God ore all, blessed for ever
What time then could him from his Father sever?
If God had once no Sonne, then once must he
Without the brightnesse of his glory be.
If that the word in time from God did come,
A time there was, when God himselfe was dumbe.
If God in time did to his Arme attaine,
A time there was when God did maim'd remaine.
If Christ were made for man, (that blatant beast
So belched forth from his blaspheaming brest)
How is it true that Scripture doth declare,
That of him, for him, by him all things are?
If all things were made by him, how can he
who made them 'mong his Creatures numbred be?
How is he in the Father, and the Father
In him, vnlesse they still were altogether?
If he were still in God, God still was he.
Nothing in God, which is not God can be.
And how is he Gods wisdome truly nam'd


If he in time created were and fram'd?
For might not, then some certaine time be showne,
When God was not or wisdome he had none?
So must they say of God and so blaspheame,
Who of a time before the Son doe dreame.
Considering such a wondrous glorious birth,
Shall we not say and sing with heavenly mirth?
Glory to God on high, on earth be peace,
And let good will t'wards Christians never cease.