The funeralles of King Edward the sixt VVherin are declared the causers and causes of his death [by William Baldwin] |
The funeralles of King Edward the sixt | ||
An exhortacion to the repentaunce of sinnes, and amendment of life, vvhich were the cause of the kinges death & wil be the destruction of the Realme if God be not the more mercifull vnto vs.
Englishe people what so ever ye bee,
Rulers, and subiectes of every degree,
Whose horrible vices have moved the wrath
Of God so to skourge vs, as lately it hath,
By bringing our Souerayne to soone to his ende,
Repent your misliving, and quickly amende:
For that was the cause of the Kings death in deede,
And will be his heires to, without better heede.
Rulers, and subiectes of every degree,
Whose horrible vices have moved the wrath
Of God so to skourge vs, as lately it hath,
By bringing our Souerayne to soone to his ende,
Repent your misliving, and quickly amende:
For that was the cause of the Kings death in deede,
And will be his heires to, without better heede.
Repent O ye Princes, your gredy desyer
Of honour and riches, wherby set on fyer,
You rob vnder colour of Christen profession,
From Christ and his poore, their right and possession.
You oppresse the people through sale of your lust,
Repent, recompence to, and learne to be iust:
For this was the cause of the Kings death in dede,
And will be the kingdomes without better hede.
Of honour and riches, wherby set on fyer,
You rob vnder colour of Christen profession,
From Christ and his poore, their right and possession.
You oppresse the people through sale of your lust,
Repent, recompence to, and learne to be iust:
For this was the cause of the Kings death in dede,
And will be the kingdomes without better hede.
Repent you prelates your seking promocion,
Your gredy gathering, your lacke of deuocion,
Your to much care for your children and wives,
Your whorish abusing, your wife lothing lives,
Your popishe errours, your fowle dirogacion
Of Christ his manhode, his merites and passion:
For this was the cause of the Kings death in dede
And wil be his heires to, without better hede.
Your gredy gathering, your lacke of deuocion,
Your to much care for your children and wives,
Your whorish abusing, your wife lothing lives,
Of Christ his manhode, his merites and passion:
For this was the cause of the Kings death in dede
And wil be his heires to, without better hede.
Repent O you subiectes, your disobedience
To God and good Rulers, your great irreverence
To true religion, your elders and teachers,
Your mocking and skorning of gods holy preachers,
Your common swearing, transgression of lawes,
Your troubling your neyghbours for every light cause
For this was the cause of the Kings death in dede,
And will be the Quenes without better hede.
To God and good Rulers, your great irreverence
To true religion, your elders and teachers,
Your mocking and skorning of gods holy preachers,
Your common swearing, transgression of lawes,
Your troubling your neyghbours for every light cause
For this was the cause of the Kings death in dede,
And will be the Quenes without better hede.
Repent you officers all the deceytes
You vse in your paymentes and in your receytes,
Your bribe bought audites, your subtile surueyinges,
Your thevish accompts made by crafty conueyings,
Your robbing the rulers that put you in trust:
Repent, recompence to, hence forward be iust.
For that was the cause of the Kings death in deede,
And will be his sisters, without better heede.
You vse in your paymentes and in your receytes,
Your bribe bought audites, your subtile surueyinges,
Your thevish accompts made by crafty conueyings,
Your robbing the rulers that put you in trust:
Repent, recompence to, hence forward be iust.
For that was the cause of the Kings death in deede,
And will be his sisters, without better heede.
Repent you false lawiers your racking and strayning
To make all lawes serve to your gredy gayning,
Your robbing the riche, your vndoing the poore,
Your making the law and iustice an whore,
Which no man enbrace may vntil she be solde
For great mens fauours, or hye heapes of golde.
For this was the cause of the kinges death in dede,
And wil be the kingdomes without better hede.
To make all lawes serve to your gredy gayning,
Your robbing the riche, your vndoing the poore,
Your making the law and iustice an whore,
Which no man enbrace may vntil she be solde
For great mens fauours, or hye heapes of golde.
For this was the cause of the kinges death in dede,
And wil be the kingdomes without better hede.
Repent you marchantes your straunge marchandises
Of personages, prebends, auowsons of benefices,
Of landes, of leases, of office, of fees,
Your monging of vitayles, corne, butter, and cheese:
Your cariyng out good wares, and bringing such in
As sarve to no purpose, save bredyng vp sin.
For this was the cause of the kinges death in dede
And wil be his sisters without better hede.
Of personages, prebends, auowsons of benefices,
Of landes, of leases, of office, of fees,
Your monging of vitayles, corne, butter, and cheese:
Your cariyng out good wares, and bringing such in
As sarve to no purpose, save bredyng vp sin.
For this was the cause of the kinges death in dede
And wil be his sisters without better hede.
Repent you caytifes your raysing of rent
Your fines, your incoms, yet never at a stent.
Your turning of tillage so much into pasture,
That townes and rowneships are ruyned past cure:
Your wasting of woods, your ingrossing chepe wares,
To make dearth of plenty, to encreace others cares,
For this was the cause of the Kings death in dede,
And wil be the kingdomes without better hede.
Your fines, your incoms, yet never at a stent.
Your turning of tillage so much into pasture,
That townes and rowneships are ruyned past cure:
Your wasting of woods, your ingrossing chepe wares,
To make dearth of plenty, to encreace others cares,
For this was the cause of the Kings death in dede,
And wil be the kingdomes without better hede.
Repent you Iudges your parciall iudgementes,
Your quitting the giltye, your quelling innocentes
For mede, for drede, for spite or for pleasure.
Repent you Rufflers thabuse of your treasure,
Your othes, your fury, your els many a cryme
Beside the expence of your bodyes and time.
For these wer a cause of the Kings death in dede
And wil be the kingdomes without better hede.
Your quitting the giltye, your quelling innocentes
For mede, for drede, for spite or for pleasure.
Repent you Rufflers thabuse of your treasure,
Your othes, your fury, your els many a cryme
Beside the expence of your bodyes and time.
For these wer a cause of the Kings death in dede
And wil be the kingdomes without better hede.
Repent you Leachers your dissolute lives,
Your causeles divorsing your true wedded wives,
Your crafty alluring the silly to sinne,
Your bying of Orphans to wed to your kin,
Your forcing of widdowes vnwilling to mary
To cause breth of wedlocke, sith nedes they must vary:
For this was the cause of the kinges death in dede,
And wil be the kingdomes without better hede.
Your causeles divorsing your true wedded wives,
Your crafty alluring the silly to sinne,
Your forcing of widdowes vnwilling to mary
To cause breth of wedlocke, sith nedes they must vary:
For this was the cause of the kinges death in dede,
And wil be the kingdomes without better hede.
To conclude, let eche man of every degree
Bewayle his offences what so ever they be,
And aske God forgevenes, and make recompens
To those he hath harmed through any offence:
For sure if we do not, such plagues wil ensewe,
As never cam yet vpon heathen nor Iewe.
For our sins were the cause of the Kings death in dede,
And wil be the kingdomes without better hede.
Bewayle his offences what so ever they be,
And aske God forgevenes, and make recompens
To those he hath harmed through any offence:
For sure if we do not, such plagues wil ensewe,
As never cam yet vpon heathen nor Iewe.
For our sins were the cause of the Kings death in dede,
And wil be the kingdomes without better hede.
Sith we all already are gilty of murder,
Ceas we all for Gods sake, to sin any furder,
O sleye not our Soverayne, our most noble Queen,
Whose match in vertue hath seldome be seen,
But pray the almighty her life to defend.
Repent, recompence, pray, pay, and amend.
For if our sins send her to her brother,
Swift vengeance wil folow, let none looke for other.
Ceas we all for Gods sake, to sin any furder,
O sleye not our Soverayne, our most noble Queen,
Whose match in vertue hath seldome be seen,
But pray the almighty her life to defend.
Repent, recompence, pray, pay, and amend.
For if our sins send her to her brother,
Swift vengeance wil folow, let none looke for other.
Syrach the .x.
Because of vnrighteous dealing, of wrong, of blasphemies, & sundry deceytes, a Realme shalbe translated from one people to an other.
The funeralles of King Edward the sixt | ||