University of Virginia Library

To the Authour.

Th' Enthusiasme, or furie of thy spreit,
A grace both great, & dignlie deim'd divyne:
So fluentlie, into thy front does steit,
Whill all the world admeirs both the and thyne
Each word has weght, and full of lyfe each lyne
Quick thy conceapt Emphaticall thy phraise,
Thy number's iust, judicious thy in gyne,
O thow the new adorner of our dayes.
Whoes pen or pinsell shall depaint thy praise
Since Maro nought, nor the Meonian muse
Be with their learned nor their liuely layes
Into this wondrous worthie work to vse.
Then tak this task, & tune thy trump vnto it:
For onlie thow art destinatt to doe it.
M. Allexander Gardyne.