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XLVI. Followis the Ballat maid vpoun Margret Fleming, callit the Flemyng bark in Edinburt.

I haif a littill Flemīg Berge,
Off clenkett work, bot scho is wicht;
Quhat pylett takis my schip in chairge,
Mon hald hir clynlie, trym, and ticht;
Se that hir hatchis be handlit richt,
Wt steirburd, baburd, luf and lie:
Scho will sale all the wintirnight,
And nevir tak a telȝevie.
With evin keill befoir the wind
Scho is richt fairdy wt a saill;
Bot at ane lufe scho lyis behind,
Gar heiss hir quhill hir howbandis skaill;
Draw weill the takill to hir taill,
Scho will not miss to lay ȝor mast;
To pomp als oft as ȝe may haill,
Ȝeill nevir hald hir watter-fast.


To calfet hir oft can do non ill,
And talloun quhair the flud-mark flowis;
Bot gif scho lekkis, gett men of skill
To stop hir hoilis laich in þe howis:
Ffor falt of hemp tak hary towis,
Wt stane-ballest wtowttin vder;
In moneless nichtis it is na mowis,
Except ane stowt man steir hir ruder.
A fair vesschell abone þe watter,
And is bot laitly reikit, to,
Quhairto, till deif ȝow wt tome clatter,
Ar nane sic in the floit as scho.
Plum weill the grund quhat evir ȝe doo,
Haill on the fukscheit and the blind;
Scho will tak in at cap and koo,
Wtout scho ballast be behind.
Na pedderis pak scho will ressaif,
Althocht hir travell scho sowld tyne;
Na coukcald karle nor carllingis pet,
That dois thair corne and caitell cryne;
Bot, quhair scho findis a fallow fyne,
He wilbe frawcht fre for a souss;
Scho kareis nocht bot men and wyne,
And bulȝoun to þe counȝe-houss.
Ffor merchandmen I may haif mony,
Bot nane sic as I wald desyre;
And I am layth to mell wt ony,
To leis my mater in the myre.
That man that wirkis best for his hyre,
Syne he salbe my mariner:
Bot nycht and day mon he nocht tyre,
That sailis my bony ballinger.


Ffor anker-hald nane can be fund:
I pray ȝow, cast the leid lyne owt,
And, gif ȝe can nocht get the grund,
Steir be the compas, and keip hir rowt;
Syne treveiss still, and lay abowt,
And gar hir top twiche wind and waw;
Quhair anker dryvis, thair is na dowt,
Thir tripand tyddis may tyne ws aw.
Now is my pretty pynnege reddy,
Abydand on sum merchand blok;
Bot be scho emptie, be our leddy,
Scho will be kittill of hir dok:
Scho will ressaif na landwart Jok,
Thocht he wald frawcht hir for a croun:
Thus fair ȝe weill, sayis gud Johine Cok,
Ane nobill telȝeour in this toun.
Finis. quod Sempill.