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The Legend of the Holy Grail

its Sources, Character and Development, by Dorothy Kempe. The introduction to, and Part V of, Herry Lovelich's verse "History of the Holy Grail,"

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Lo thus tellith this Story now here,
How Nasciens And the kyng, In A bed they were,
And how that the kyng was born Away,
And stille In Swowneng this Nasciens lay;
And swich A Moreyne As In that paleis was,
Was Neuere Sein In non plas;
And In the Cite Was herd no More
But the thondir & þe sown of the trompe thore.
Thanne it happed In this Mene tyme—
The tyde Of þe day Was Owr Of pryme—
That the qwene gan forto gon,
A faire Chirche Werk to beholden Anon,
That In Worschepe Of Oure lady begonnen was there;
And that chirche to sen wente sche In this Manere.
And whanne thorwgh that paleys sche gan to goon,
A wondirful Syhte Sawgh sche þere Anon,—
Alle the Seriawntes lyen there plat adown
Ful dedlich & pale Al In virown;
And sche wende On Slepe þat alle hadde ben tho,
So that Furthermore sche gan to Go;
Thanne Fonde sche Alle the knyhtes & Sqwiere,
In that Same Manere they lyen tho there.
Thanne Merveilled the qwene mochel of this,
What it scholde Amownten with-Owten Mis;


Anon Somme of hem sche gan to Calle,
But thei mihten neþer heren ne sen, so gan it fal,
For nethir hadden þei wit ne Memorye
Of non worldly thing thanne Certeynlye.
And whanne sche say, that not sche Myhte
Of hem nethir haven word ne syhte,
Thanne with A gret Cowrs torned sche Anon,
And to the kynges Chambre gan to gon.
And whanne sche was Inne Atte Chambre dore,
There, Merveylles Gan sche beholden More;
Sche beheld hire brother sire Nascien
Sat In his bed wepinge than,
Owt of wheche bed Mordreins the kyng
Was vpe lefte with Owten lesing;
And þere Nasciens Made gret sorwe & Mone,
As him thowhte nedis he most done
For the Noise and þe voys that he herde,
That he ne wiste In what maner it Ferde.
And whanne the qweene þis began beholde,
Anon hire herte gan wexen Colde;
And sore tremeling & qwakyng than,
To sire Nasciens bed Anon sche Ran,
And wend that som wikked Sperit be chawnse
Hadd hem put Owt Of here Ryhtful Creaunce;
And to hire brother sche Ran In haste,
And him Embracen sche gan ful faste,
& the Cawse of him Axede, why it was
That he So wepe there In that plas.
Thanne gan he wepe wondirly Sore,
Fastere and hardere than he dide before.
Thanne þe qweene gan lowde to Crye
With a lowd vois ful petowslye,
And Swowneng to the Erthe fyl sche there.
Thanne sire Nasciens Gan hire to Chere,
And brased hire In his Armes two,
And hire there kyste & Cherede tho.


“A, swete soster!” he gan to Say,
“What may ȝow be to Maken this fray?”
And whanne sche Aros Of hire Swowneng;
Thanne Axede sche of þat Merveilleng;
With Sorewful herte & hevy Chere
Sche gan Axen where hire lord were.
And whanne Nasciens this vndirstood,
Ful Clene thanne Nasciens Chonged his mood,
That he ne Mihte non word tho speke,
So him thowhte his herte wolde breke;
As faste the water Ran from his Eeyen Adown,
As it hadde ben pored vppon his Crown.
Whanne the qweene Say him so taken vppon,
Sche Axede what he hadde with hire lord doon;
Thanne gan sche forto Swownen ageyn
In that place there Certein Certein,
And wende Owt of hire wit sche scholde han gon,
Swich Sorwe sche Made, & so gret Mon.
Whanne Of hire Swowneng sche A-wook,
Sche qwaked, sche trembled, sche wepe, sche schook,
And with a deolful vois sche gan to Crye,
“Swete Brother Nasciens!” Certeinlye
Evene thus As A wood womman
In this Gyse took sche vppon,
And euere Aftir hire lord gan to Crie
With deolful vois, & wonderli hye.
And whanne Nasciens hire tolde Al the verite,
Thanne weping & morneng myhten men þere se,
And how the kyng from him was taken there,
And forth born, & In what Manere:
But Into what place þat he was I-bore,
Nasciens ne Cowde not tellen there.
Whanne Nasciens this word hadde I-seyd,
Thanne was there manie A deolful breid,
And Owthes & Cry was In that halle,
That bothe Men & wommen In swowneng gonne falle.


And swich Sorwe þe qweene there Made,
That Erthly thing myhte hire non Glade.
Thanne Cam Nasciens to hire Agein,
And In his Armes he hire embraced ful pleyn,
And hire Comforted In this degre,
“Now, goode dere Soster, lesteneth to Me;
The kyng he is bothe Sawf & Sownde
As we ben here In this Stownde,
And bothen heyl In Sowle and In body,
I Sey ȝow, Sostir, now, Certeynly.
This knowe I wel be that tydynge
That the voys to vs gan bringe.”
Thanne Axede Sche Nasciens with-Owten lak,
‘Ho it myhte be that to him tho spak.’
Thanne Nasciens hire Answerid Ageyn,
And seide it was Cristes Messenger Certein
So gret Sorwe & Mone Made þe qweene,
That for non Erthly man Seced myhte bene.
Thus sone this tydinge Gan forto springe
Ouer Al the Contre with-Owten lettynge,
How that the kyng thus was I-lore,
And how sodeynly he was A-Wey I-bore.
Thanne the baronage to-gederis Comen Anon,
And of this Conseilleden what they myht don,
And how the kyng Awey thus Scholde fare;
Where-Offen they hadde ful gret Care
So Amonges Alle Othere there was On
That longe with the kyng hadde Igon,—
A malicious knyht In Alle Manere,
His name Was clepid Sire Calaphere—
For he was so Crwel, & so Felowns,
So fals, so Cvrsid, so wikked of Condiciouns,
That in dedly herte ne Myhte Synke
So moche Tretorye forto thenke,
As that Cursed Calaphere
In his herte Imagyned there:


For there he seide ful Openlye tho,
‘That be treson Nasciens the king dide slo,
For he wolde hauen þe Rem In gouerninge,’—
This was Openly his talkynge—
‘For In that place weren there no Mo
Sauf Only the kyng & sire Nasciens tho;
How myht it thanne Otherwise be,
But that Sire Nasciens dide him sle?’
Thanne Answerid the baronage Aȝen,
‘That it is ful lyk thus forto ben.’
Thanne tooken they here Conseyl Anon,
That Into Strong warde he scholde be don,
Til that they knewen In word & dede tho
Whethir the kyng lyvede, oþer how it myhte go.
And to this Conseil thanne Everychon
Sworen alle to holden there Anon;
And thus Of Nasciens demed they there,
That þe kyng hadde Mordred, but þei niste where.
And thus to Cowrt they Comen Anon,
Alle these barowns Everichon,
And fownden Sire Nasciens & the qweene
Makenge gret sorwe Al bedene,
That Neuere Man that was lyvenge
Herde neuere half so moche weymentinge;
And this was the thridde day
Aftyr the kyng was Ravischt Away.
Thanne thus to þe qweene gonnen they gone,
And of this Aventure Enqwerid Anone.
Thanne Anon Nasciens gan forto telle
Alle the Mater, how it tho befelle;
Bothe lik as he hadde herd & sein,
He gan hem tellen In Certein;
And Also of the kynges Swevenynge,
What he Mette In his dremenge.
Thus to Nasciens they weren Enqweringe,
& of Al thing he ȝaf hem Answeringe,


And seide to hem ful Sekerliche tho,
‘That In the Chambre Neren but they two
Whanne this Chaunce there gan to falle;’
And thus he tolde Amongs hem Alle.
Thanne Anon there they him tooke,
And Grevously On him gonnen to loke.
And sire Nasciens hem Axede tho,
‘Why with him they Ferden so.’
Thanne they Answerede, & forth him ladde,
‘That suspecion to him Of the kyng they hadde.’
And thus In preson thanne they him Caste,
& Sesid Alle his londis Atte laste.
Thanne senten they Abowtes here & there,
To don seken the kyng Every Where.
Thus Nasciens In preson suffrede mani hard schowr,
Be conceil of Calapher, þat fals Tretowr.—
This Calafer made good semblaunce
As a man Of good Creawnce,
But fals he was In dede & thowght,
For Cristene manne was he nowht;
For whanne Cristened he schold han be,
Ful faste Awey he gan to fle,
For he ne hateth non Creature
So moche As Cristene, I the Enswre;—
So that he Cam to þe barouns Agein,
And hem thus Conceilled In Certein,
‘That Into the tyme that they myhten knowe
Begynneng And Endeng Vppon A rowe,
Nasciens In presown scholde Abyde:’
Swich Conseil ȝaf that tretour this tyde.
And thus be the Counseil Of fals Calaphere,
Nasciens In presown kepten thei there,
That him & his londis bothe, they hadde
In here Award, bothe good & badde.
And whanne þe qweene beheeld Al this,
ȝhe thowhte In hire herte it wente Amys,


That hire lord thus was Agon,
And þerto hire broþer In presoun don.
It is non nede to tellen the Mone
That þe qweene þere made ful sone,
For there nas non Erthly thing—
Aftir hire lord that was the kyng—
That so moche was In hire herte,
As of hire brothir his peynes smerte.
Ful fain wolde thanne this gode qwene,
That hire brothir Owt Of preson hadde bene;
But sche was tho A lone womman,
And ful litel Reed of this sche kan;
To stryven Aȝens hire Baronye,
Sche ne hadde non strengthe Certeinlie.
And Evere was Nasciens In preson strong,
And tempted he was with the devel Among
Forto forsaken there his trewe Creawnse;
But he ne wolde, for non Maner Of Chawnse,
Forsaken his god for non peyne;
But Euere to his God he gan Compleyne,
And Cride Merci For his grete Synne,
Of þe wikkednesse that he hadde lyved Inne:
“For moche more thanne this deservid I have;
Where-fore, goode lord Iesus, thow me save!
For A gret Fool trewly I was,
Thy secrees to sen In that holy plas,
Wich that non Man scholde han seyn there,
But ȝif Clene Of Synne I-clensid he were;
And so, goode lord, ne was not I;
Where-fore, Iesus, I crie the Mercy!”
And in this holy Entenciown
Stille belefte Nascien In presown,
In gret Angwisch & gret Anoye,
Thus lyvede Nasciens, As I ȝow seye;
Bothe be nyht and Ek be day
In this Angwisch thus Nasciens lay;


And Evere Cried God Of Mercy
That he hadde leved so Folily.
And now torneth this Storie Ageyn
To kyng Mordreins now In Certein,
The wheche lest þat he ded hadde be;
And thus is he In A Roch with-Inne the se.