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ELEGIA. 9. Ad Atticum, amantem non oportere desidio sum esse sicuti nec militem.
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ELEGIA. 9. Ad Atticum, amantem non oportere desidio sum esse sicuti nec militem.

All Louers warre, and Cupid hath his tent,
Atticke, all louers are to warre farre sent,
What age fits Mars, with Venus doth agree,
T'is shame for eld in warre or loue to be.
What yeares in souldiours Captains do require,

Those in their louers pretty maydes desire.
Both of them watch: each on the hard earth sleepes:
His Mistris dores this; that his Captaines keepes.
Souldiers must trauaile farre: the wench forth send
Her valiant louer followes without end.
Mounts, and raine-doubled flouds he passeth ouer,
And treades the desert snowy heapes to couer.
Going to sea, East windes he doth not chide,
Nor to hoist sayle attends full time and tyde.
Who but a souldier or a louer is bold,
To suffer storme mixt snowes with nights sharp cold?
One as a spy doth to his enemies goe,
The other eyes his riuall as his foe.
He cities great, this thresholds lies before:
This breakes towne gates, but he his Mistris dore.
Oft to inuade the sleeping foe 'tis good,
And aim'd to shed vnarmed peoples blood.
So the fierce troupes of Thracian Rhesus fell,
And Captiue horses bad their Lord fare-well.
Sooth Louers watch till sleep the husband charmes,
Who slumbring, they rise vp in swelling armes.
The keepers hands and corps-dugard to passe,
The souldiours, and poore louers worke ere was.
Doubtfull is warre and loue, the vanquisht rise,
And who thou neuer think'st should fall downe lies.
Therefore who ere loue sloatthfulnesse doth call,
Let him surcease; loue tries wit best of all.
Achilles burn'd Briseis being tane away,
Troianes destroy the Greeke wealth, while you may,
Hector to armes went from his wiues embraces,
And on Adromache his helmet laces.
Great Agamemnon was, men say amazed,

On Priams loose-trest daughter when he gazed.
Mars in the deede the black-smiths net did stable
In heauen was neuer more notorious fable.
My selfe was dull, and faint to sloth inclinde
Pleasure, and ease had mollifide my minde.
A faire maydes care expeld this sluggishnesse,
And to her tents wilde me my selfe addresse.
Since maist thou se me watch & night warres moue,
He that will not grow slothfull let him loue.