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Scillaes Metamorphosis: Enterlaced with the vnfortunate loue of Glaucus

VVhereunto is annexed the delectable discourse of the discontented Satyre: with sundrie other most absolute Poems and Sonnets. Contayning the detestable tyrannie of Disdaine, and Comicall triumph of Constancie: Verie fit for young Courtiers to peruse, and coy Dames to remember. By Thomas Lodge

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[A verie Phœnix, in her radiant eies]

A verie Phœnix, in her radiant eies
I leaue mine age, and get my life againe;
True Hesperus, I watch her fall and rise:
And with my teares extinguish all my paine,
My lips for shadowes shield her springing roses,
Mine eies for watchmen guard her while shee sleepeth,
My reasons serue to quite her faint supposes:
Her fancie, mine; my faith her fancie keepeth;
She flowre, I branch; her sweetes my sowres supporteth,
O happie Loue, where such delights consorteth.