The Third Dayes Creation By that most excellent, learned, and diuine Poet, VVilliam, Lord Bartas. Done verse for verse out of the originall French by Thomas VVinter |
To the learned Ciuilian, Doctor Iames,
Iustice of Peace and Quorum in the Countie of Somerset. |
The Third Dayes Creation | ||
To the learned Ciuilian, Doctor Iames, Iustice of Peace and Quorum in the Countie of Somerset.
If will and skill were true correlatiuesThy worth should neuer want deserued praise;
For in vnflattering superlatiues
I would thy vertues tell, thy credit raise.
Thou floure of courtesie, that dost embrace
With both thine armes each wel-deseruing spirit;
Heaping the fauours of thy bounteous grace,
Where neuer-erring iudgement findeth merit;
I will not venture in a daring vaine,
To reckon vp thy each praise-worthie part;
They are too many for so short a straine,
But sith my heart is better then my art,
Let Winters heart obtaine this boone of thee,
This Winter-fruit yscorned may not be.
T. Winter.
Scinduntur vestes, gemmæ franguntur & aurum,
Carmina quam tribuent fama perennis erit,
Ouid. Amor. lib. 1. Eleg. 10.
The Third Dayes Creation | ||