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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 9. Confitebor tibi.

Ad Præstantem, super Muth-Labben. Psal. David.


To render thankes to thee, O Lord,
my heart is wholly bent;
Of all thy marvells to record,


my tongue the instrument.


I will be glad, I will rejoyce
in thee with melodie:
And to thy Name sing Numbers choice,
O thou that art Most-Hie.


When backward fled, mine enemies
were hard pursu'd in chace;
They stumbled, never more to rise,
but perish from thy face.


For thou my judgements doome hast done,
or else my right had fail'd:
Thou satest Judge upon the Throne,
where Justice hath prevail'd.


The Heathen routs hast thou reprov'd,
the wicked one destroi'd;
From men among, their name remov'd,
for evermore made void.


My foe, see desolations done,
the Cities raz'd to ground:
With them is their memoriall gone,
and in their dust lies drown'd.


But Soveraigne on his Throne declar'd
the Lord shall ever sit;
Which for himselfe he hath prepar'd,
and made for judgement fit.


And he with justice will proceed
to judge the world so wide;
And of his peoples every deed
with righteous doome decide.


The Lord to him that is opprest
will be a refuge high:
A refuge high, the poore distrest
when times of trouble trie.


And they that know thy Name, alone


their trust on thee will ground:
For thou art, Lord, forsaking none
of them that seeke thee, found.


Sing to the Lord on Sion Mount,
whose pleasure is to dwell:
With praise his deeds of high account
among the peoples tell.


For when the Quest of his Assise
for blouds inquirie makes:
Unmindfull he the meeke that cries
forgets not, nor forsakes.


My suffrings, Lord, in mercie see,
through mine oppressors hates;
Of death, O thou the onely He,
that lifts me from the gates.


That all thy praises I may spread
in Sions daughters ports;
And in thy saving health be glad,
in all my songs reports.


The Heath'n are sunke downe in the pit,
which they themselves prepar'd:
That secret net which they did fit,
their foot hath fast ensnar'd.


His judgement done, the Lord is knowne
to execute aright:
Caught in the handy-workes his owne,
mark well the wicked wight.



The wicked shall returne to Hell,
where their abode is set:
Where Heath'ns, & Heav'ns-contemners dwell,
and all that God forget.


For alwaies shall not be forgot
the grievance of the poore;
Of needy soules the hopes shall not


be lost for evermore.


Rise, Lord, let none of mortall race
prevaile against thy hand;
But let the Heath'ns before thy face,
to heare their judgement stand.


Dismaying-feare upon them throw,
that Lord, confounded then,
The haughty-hearted Heath'ns may know,
they be but wretched men.
