University of Virginia Library


E. D. in praise of M.r W.m Foular her freind.

The glorious greiks dois praise thair Homers quill,
And citeis sevin dois strywe quhair he was borne;
The Latins dois of Virgill vant at will,
And Sulmo thinks her Ouid dois adorne;
The Spanzoll laughs (sawe Lucan) all to scorne,
And France for Ronsard stands and settis him owt;
The better sort for Bartas blawis the horne,
And Ingland thinks thair Surrye first but dout.
To praise thair owen these countreis gois about:
Italians lykes Petrarchas noble grace,
Who well deserwis first place amangs that rout.
Bot Foular, thow dois now thame all deface,
No vanting grece nor Romane now will strywe;
Thay all do yeild Sen foular doith arrywe.