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The Colonies of Bartas

VVith the Commentarie of S. G. S. in diuerse places corrected and enlarged by the Translatour [i.e. William Lisle]

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[Now Iaphet spred along from th'Ellesponticke waters]

Now Iaphet spred along from th'Ellesponticke waters,

Iaphet to the North and West

Th'Euxine and Tanais, vnto the mount Gibratars
Renoumed double top, and that sunne-setting Maine
Which with his ebbe and flow plaies on the shore of Spaine,
And from that other sea, vpon whose frozen allies
Glide swiftly-teemed Carres in stead of winged Gallies.
Vnto the sea Tyrrhene, Ligusticke, Prouencall,
Moreas waters and the learned Atticall:
Against the goodly coast of Afa the lesse,
The second Paradise, the worlds cheife happines


And that great peece of ground that reacheth from Amane
Vnto the springs of Rha, and pleasant bankes of Tane
As those braue men of war that France haue ouerspred,
Of Gomers fruitfull seed themselues professe are bred:

How and what nations came of Iaphet.

So are the Germaneseie, once called Gomerites:
Of Tuball Spaniards came, of Mosoch Muscouites,
Of Madas sprong the Medes, of Magog Scythians,
Of Iauan roseth: Greekes, of Thyras Thracians.