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The French Historie

That is; A lamentable Discourse of three of the chiefe, and most famous bloodie broiles that haue happened in France for the Gospell of Iesus Christ. Namelie; 1 The outrage called The winning of S. Iames his Streete, 1557. 2 The constant Martirdome of Annas Burgeus one of the K. Councell, 1559. 3 The bloodie Marriage of Margaret Sister to Charles the 9. Anno 1572. Published by A. D. [i.e. Anne Dowrich]

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Bvt let vs heere behold Gods judgements just and true,
Which neuer faile to follow them, which doo his truth pursue.


As wicked Caine did long poore Abels blood to haue,
So did the Lord marke him to be a vile and vagrant slaue.


When Esau did intend his brother for to kill,
The Lord did blesse good Iacob so, he could not haue his will.

Exod 14.27.

When Phar ao followed fast Gods people to haue slaine,
Amiddes the flouds then iustlie fell both he and all his traine.


As Miriam grudgde against the truth which she did know,
So did her fault soone finde her out a leaper white as snow.


When Korath and his mates good Moses did depraue,
The earth did gape, and they went all aliue into the graue.

Exod 17.8. Deut.25.17.

And whil'st at Bephidim Gods people did remaine,
The Amalecks of Esaus brood poore Iacob would haue slaine.
But God did not forget this foule and filthie thing,

1.Sam.15.33. Wisdom.11.3.

Which after smote with fatall sword, both them and eke their King.


Though Saul did persecute Gods chosen Prophet long,
Yet did the Lord at length reuenge poore Dauid & his wrong:

1 Sam.31.4.

For now the hand that itcht this Dauids blood to spill,
Was it that framde the deadlie blade his master for to kill.


That Nabal which refusde his helpe to Dauid send,


Was striken so, that there he made a short and wofull end.


And Shimei that reuilde King Dauid to his face,

1. King.46.1.

It was not long but that he died in poore and wofull case.


And as Achitophel great mischiefe did intend,
So did the Lord from traitors all his chosen still defend:
Whose counsell being quasht (for so the Lord assignde,


He got him home & hangd himselfe to ease his careful minde.


So Ieroboam felt Gods iudgements sharpe and colde,
Whē he thrust out his wicked hand his Prophet for to hold.


So Iezabel which did Elias once pursue,
VVhen Iehu came to Iezrael, her faithfull seruant threw


Her carcasse headlong downe from window high to streate,
VVhere trāpled down the greedy dogs her cursed flesh did eat.

Euse.eccl.hist. 2.booke.7. chapter.

Gainst Christ the Pilate which wrong iudgement erst did giue,
Did kill himselfe, as one that was not worthie for to liue.


And when against the truth proud Herodes hand was bent,
He killed Iames, and Peter was in prison closelie pent:


The Angel of the Lord of pride did show the price,
That in a while his cursed corpes was eaten all with lice.

Matth. 26.47.

As Iudas was content his master to betraie,

Acts. 1. 18.

So guiltie conscience did consent to worke his owne decaie.

Maxentius, Iulianus, Valens, being persecutors of the faithfull, had the like end.

Like as in former age to rebels stout and strong,
Gods iustice hath been plainlie seene in lieu of cursed wrong:
So all this faithlesse troope, which leudlie did conspire
This murder in S.Iames his streete, haue likewise felt his ire.

Munerius put to open shame and banished his countries.

For first the Prætor, which Munerius had to name,
For iust desert, in publike view receiued open shame.
And yet besides all this, they straightlie did proclaime,


That he should voide his natiue soyle, & not returne againe.
But whil'st he was in holde his conscience did confesse,
This plague was iust; for that he sought Gods chosen to oppres

A Iudge that gaue sentence, was strikē with sodaine death.

Iudge that sentence gaue against his knowen faith,

An angel strake him from the Lord with sharp & sodain death.
Another Iudge that was now sicke and like to die,
Cride out;

O the dedlie sting of a guiltie conscience.

I see my iudgement iust, for that vile caitiffe I”

By mallice haue been faine Gods people for to kill:”
Who praie, and liue most godlie bent according to his will.”

Two others cruell in the former slaughter, died sodainlie in the sight of all mē.

others being cheefe in murder that was past,

By sodaine death in view of all like vengeance now doo tast.
And other

Other two as they returned from the murder, fell at contention, and at last were slaine one of an other.

two which now of blood had dronke their fill,

As they came from this murther, they did one the other kill.