University of Virginia Library

Omne mundum positum est in malignitatem.

Complayning I ne can refraine
with measure iust my tongue,
But he vnlose with mingled tunes,
must make a dolefull song.
And say as Tullie said, when he
the Romans did accuse,
O maners, o time, because that they
all goodnes did refuse.
There was not sith the world was
a worser time than this
In which the Lady Virtus doeth
of presents alway misse.

The assembly huge of Reprobates
doth more and more encrease.
And treadeth downe the simple soules,
by their most heauy prease.
Which when my mind did know, foorthwith
by feare I dyd refrayne,
This tale not meete yet for such as
doe virgins pure remayne.