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Howe the goldesmythes, and aftire, every crafft ware disposyde in strete by strete by hem selff.

Gold-smythes first, & riche Iowellers,
And by hem silf crafty browdereris,
Wevers also of wolne & of lyne,
Of cloth of gold, damaske, and satyn,


Of welwet, cendel, & double samyt eke,
And euery clothe þat men list to seke;
Smyþes also, þat koude forge wele
Swerdis, pollex, and speris scharp of stele,
Dartis, daggeris, for to mayme & wounde,
And quarel hedis scharp and square [y-]grounde.
Þer wer also crafty armoureris,
Bow[y]ers, and fast[e] by fleccheris,
And swyche as koude make schaftes pleyn,
And other eke þat dide her besy peyn
For þe werre to make [also] trappuris,
Bete baners and royal cote armvris,
And by devise, stondardis & penowns,
And for þe felde fresche & gay gytouns.
And euery crafte þat may rekned be,
To telle schortly, was in þis cite.