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The First Fovre Bookes of Virgil his AEneis

Translated intoo English heroical verse by Richard Stanyhurst, wyth oother Pohetical diuises theretoo annexed

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THEE THIRD PSALME, NAMED, Domine, quid multiplicati sunt, translated in too English Asclepiad verse.


Lord , my drirye foes why doe (they) multiplye?

Mee for too ruin at sundrye be coouetous.


Hym shields not the godhead, sundrye say too mye soule.


Th' art, lord most vigilant, wholye mye succorer,

And in the al mye staying shal be stil harbored:
Tw' art my moste valiant victorye glorious.


To our lord lowd I cryed: from holye place herd he mee.


In graue new buryed fast haue I slumbered.

J rose too liefe agayn through God his hollines.


J feare not furious multitud infinit,

With coompasse laboring, my bodye for toe catche.
Rise Lord omnipotent, help me, mye champion.


Lord, thy cleere radiaunt righteus equitye

Hath squisd al mye foes, falslye me ransaking.


Oure Lord participats saulftye with happines:

With gifts, heunlye Godhead, thy pepil amplye blisse.