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Amongst our well renowmed men,
Deuer merits a syluer pen,

Eternally to write his honour,
And I in a well polisht verse,
Can set vp in our Uniuerse,
A Fame, to endure for euer.
And fylde with a Furiæ extreme,
Upon a well superbus ryme:
(On a ryme, and both strong and true)
I wyll (Deuer) pushe thy louanges,
To the eares of people estraunges:
And rauishe them with thy vertue,
But in trueth I vse but to sing,
After the well intuned string,
Of eyther of the great Prophêts,
Or Thebain, or Calaborois:
Of whether of whome yet the voice,
Hath not beene knowne to our Poëts.