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Hvmors Looking Glasse

[by Samuel Rowlands]

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The attribution of this poem is questionable.

[A kinde of London-walker in a boote]

A kinde of London-walker in a boote,
(Not George a Horse-backe, but a Gerge a foote,)
On eu'ry day you meete him through the yeare,
For's bootes and spurs, a horse-man doth appeare.
Was met with, by an odde conceited stranger,
Who friendly told him that he walk'd in danger.

For Sir (in kindenes no way to offend you)
There is a warrant foorth to apprehend you.
Th' offence they say, you riding through thee streete,
Haue kil'd a Childe, vnder your Horses feete.
Sir I protest (quoth he) they doe me wrong,
I haue not back'd a horse, God knows how long,
What slaues be these, they haue me false bely'd?
Ile prooue this twelue-month I did neuer ride.