University of Virginia Library

Greedy Vsurer.

Thou Fur-gown'd slaue, exceeding rich and olde
Ready to be deuowred of the Graue:
Thou that wilt sell a soule, to purchase Gold,
And gold, still gold, nothing but golde dost craue:
Thou most extreame hard-harted cruell wretch,
Whome Hell gapes for; the Deuill comes to fetch.
Thou that wilt not forbeare an howers time,
But wilt a forfayture seueerely take:
Thou that by crueltie to wealth dost clyme,
And threatnest Dice of poore mens bones to make,
Hauing that rustie gold vpon thy hand,
For which, there's thousandes perish in the land.
Ile stabbe yee.