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The Knave of Harts

Haile Fellow, well met [by Samuel Rowlands]

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A drunken Knaue.

Boy y'are a villaine, didst thou fill this Sacke?
Tis flat you Rascall, thou hast plaid the Iacke,
Bring in a quart of Maligo, right true:
And looke, you Rogue, that it be Poe and Kew.
Some good Tobacco, quickly, and a light:
Sirrha: this same was mingled yesternight.
VVhat Pipes are these? now take them broken, vp,
Another Bowle, I doe not like this Cup.
You slaue, what linnen hast thou brought vs here?
Fill me a Beaker, looke it be good Beere.
VVhat Claret's this? the very worst in towne;
Your Tauerne-bush deserues a pulling downe.
Boy, bring good wine, when men of iudgement cals,
Or Ile send pots & cups against your wals.
Fiue qualities to wine there doth belong,
Coole, dauncing, fragrant, beautifull, and strong:
Thus Ile be seru'd, neate, briske, without a dash,
Or, Ile not pay a penny for your trash.
By this, his braines, coole, fragrant, beauty, feeles,
And strong, and dauncing, trip vp both his heeles.