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Hoccleve's Works. II

The minor poems in the Ashburnham Ms. Addit. 133. ... Edited by Sir Israel Gollancz

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X. Three Roundels.

“Cy ensuent trois chaunceons / lune / con pleynante a la dame monoie / & lautre la response dele a cellui qui se conpleyet & la tierce / la commendacion de ma dame


Wel may I pleyne on yow, Lady moneye,
Þat in the prison of your sharp scantnesse
Souffren me bathe in wo and heuynesse,
And deynen nat of socour me purueye.



whan þat I baar of your prison the keye,
Kepte I yow streite? nay, god to witnesse!
Well may I [pleyne on yow, Lady moneye,
Þat in the prison of your sharp scantnesse
Souffren me bathe in wo and heuynesse,
And deynen nat of socour me purueye].


I leet yow out / o, now, of your noblesse,
Seeth vn-to me / in your deffaute, I deye.
Well may I [pleyne on yow, Lady moneye,
Þat in the prison of your sharp scantnesse
Souffren me bathe in wo and heuynesse,
And deynen nat of socour me purueye].


Yee saillen al to fer / retourne, I preye!
Conforteth me ageyn this Cristemesse!
Elles I moot in right a feynt gladnesse
Synge of yow thus / & yow accuse, & seye:
Well may I [pleyne on yow, Lady moneye,
Þat in the prison of your sharp scantnesse
Souffren me bathe in wo and heuynesse,
And deynen nat of socour me purueye].

La response.


Hoccleue / I wole / it to thee knowen be,
I, lady moneie / of the world goddesse,
Þat haue al thyng vndir my buxumnesse,
Nat sette by thy pleynte risshes three.


Myn hy might haddest thow in no cheertee,
Whyle I was in thy slipir sikirnesse.
Hoccleue [/ I wole / it to thee knowen be,
I, lady moneie / of the world goddesse,
Þat haue al thyng vndir my buxumnesse,
Nat sette by thy pleynte risshes three].



At instance of thyn excessif largesse,
Becam I of my body delauee.
Hoccleue [/ I wole / it to thee knowen be,
I, lady moneie / of the world goddesse,
Þat haue al thyng vndir my buxumnesse,
Nat sette by thy pleynte risshes three].


And syn þat lordes grete obeien me,
Sholde I me dreede / of thy poore symplesse?
My golden heed akith for thy lewdnesse.
Go, poore wrecche / who settith aght by thee?
Hoccleue / I wole / it to thee knowen be,
I, lady moneie / of the world goddesse,
Þat haue al thyng vndir my buxumnesse,
Nat sette by thy pleynte risshes three.
Cest tout.

Hoccleve's Humorous Praise of his Lady.


Of my lady, wel me reioise I may:
hir golden forheed is ful narw & smal;
hir browes been lyk to dym reed coral;
And as the Ieet / hir yen glistren ay.


Hir bowgy cheekes been as softe as clay,
with large Iowes and substancial.
Of my lady, [wel me reioise I may:
hir golden forheed is ful narw & smal;
hir browes been lyk to dym reed coral;
And as the Ieet / hir yen glistren ay].


Hir nose / a pentice is, þat it ne shal
Reyne in hir mowth / thogh shee vp-rightes lay.
Of [my lady, wel me reioise I may:
hir golden forheed is ful narw & smal;
hir browes been lyk to dym reed coral;
And as the Ieet / hir yen glistren ay].



Hir mowth is nothyng scant / with lippes gray;
Hir chin vnnethe / may be seen at al;
Hir comly body / shape as a foot-bal:
And shee syngith / ful lyk a papeJay.
Of [my lady, wel me reioise I may:
hir golden forheed is ful narw & smal;
hir browes been lyk to dym reed coral;
And as the Ieet / hir yen glistren ay].
Cest tout.
After our song / our mirthe & our gladnesse
Heer folwith a lessoun of heuynesse

Salomon Extrema gaudij luctus occupat, &c.