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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Uerely, of my Name, I am nothing-at-all ashamed/
Therfore ; as it is meete; I wil tell thee in freendly fashion:
I am ; euen of eueryone; cald Good-informashion.
With pleasant Mirth can I; by Informing; teache euery Wight,
Satisfy the Demanders, & increast their Understanding aright:
For My Uce and Maner is, to disburden

Mat. 11.d.

Greef and Smart.

O! now doo I beginne/to growe quyeted in my Heart/
Because it is my chaunce, to meete the heere so luckely.
O Good information, none higher of Nobilety:
None more-wyse and eloquent, nor greater of Ualue and Fame.
For generally vppon Earth, whersuer thou comst, by Name,
Thou pacifyest Contention/the deuided Sectes also:
Yea, tho laden Conferences

Esa. 62.a. Math. 11.d.

with much Greef and wo,

Dost thou; with holy Understanding; vnburden and discharge.
Oh! how many Countryes ; in length and greatnes large;
Haue I raynged-ouer, with feruent Inclynacion/
For that I woulde bee counsailed, by Good information:
And now do I fynde thee, heere present in this Place.
Therfore ; to my satisfying; I craue thy fauour and grace,
That thou wilt instruct mee, what-ther-is Heere to doo?

To informe thee therof, I willingly grant thertoo:
For in this place of Mirth, the Loue hath such an Intention,
With Rethorick ; as thou shalt, perceaue by this Inuencion;
To discouer dilligently; without Blemish any waye;
The puer and sinceere Trueth, in maner of a Playe.

Oh! Thou Reuyuer of my Mynd/what wilt thou heere reueale:
Shall Rethorick now/the heauenly Trueth/declare and therin deale?


Hah ; Good information; thou speakest that ynaduisedly:

O Longing for comfort, countst thon mee false & contrary/
In that thou dost so wonder, at this thats Heere set-out?