An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament written in Sternholds meter by VV. Samuel |
An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament | ||
The first Chapiter.
A dearth then fel in Iudaes landEmeleck with his wife:
And his two sonnes to Moab went,
there for to lead their life.
The father died and his two sonnes,
in mariage dide also:
The mother then did home return,
and Ruthe with her did go.
The ii. chapiter.
Beseech did Ruthe her mother in law,That shee some corne might lease:
And foorth shee went to Booz his field
whose sight shee did wel please.
He bothe inquierd and with her talkte
and her intreated wel:
See tolde her mother at the night,
the story euery dele.
The iii. chapiter.
Caused shee was by Nœmise woords,to sleep at Booz his feet:
Who when he wakte and felt her there
the truthe on her did weet.
Shee tolde him all and who shee was
then bad he her lie stil:
and tolde her all his wil.
The iiij. chapiter.
Down sat Booz then and in the gatehis kinsman did he call:
He shewd to him afore the heads,
what land to him did fall.
He said he would not purchace it,
so Booz the land did buy:
And maried Ruthe who had a sonne.
when he with her did lie.
Ruthe dooth end at Chapters foure,
shewing whom she did wed:
A Gentile she was, yet she bare,
the Graunsire to Dauid.
The first of Kings ye shall haue now,
whom Samuel some doo call:
The stories shall declare you how,
that Kings to them did fall.
shewing whom she did wed:
A Gentile she was, yet she bare,
the Graunsire to Dauid.
The first of Kings ye shall haue now,
whom Samuel some doo call:
The stories shall declare you how,
that Kings to them did fall.
An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament | ||