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The coronal

A collection of miscellaneous pieces, written at various times

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A happy New Year, thou lovely one!
As bright as roses bathed in sun—
Around thy path may the dancing hours
Scatter wreaths of radiant flowers!
On thy pure cheek health's mantling glow
Flits like a sun-blush o'er the snow;
And the soft shade of thy raven hair
Rests on a brow so passing fair,
I dare not think, majestic maid,
Thy soul-lit beauty e'er can fade.
And may it not—I would that thou,
With gentle lip and lofty brow,
And the changing light of thy lucid eye,
Should'st live on earth immortally!
Sure life and love must stay with thee,
Chain'd by thy potent witchery.
Yet would I not the flatt'ring throng
Should lure thee with a syren song—
'Twere better far for one pure heart
To love for what thou really art:
Not a painted toy to please awhile,
To feign a blush, and act a smile—


But one whose noble, generous soul,
Spurn's affectation's mean control;
Who life's most sparkling cup has quaff'd,
Uninjured by the dang'rous draught.
'Tis this that binds me with a spell,
Whose power I find no words to tell.
A happy New Year, thou lovely one!
As bright as roses bathed in sun—
Around thy path may the dancing hours
Scatter wreaths of radiant flowers!