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He spreads his wings like banners to the breeze,
He cleaves the air afloat on pinions wide,
Leagues upon leagues across the lonely seas
He sweeps above the vast, uneasy tide.
For days together through the trackless skies,
Steadfast, without a quiver of his plumes,
Without a moment's pause for rest he flies
Through dazzling sunshine and through cloudy glooms.
Down the green gulfs he slides, or skims the foam,
Searching for booty with an eager eye,
Hovering aloft where the long breakers comb
O'er wrecks forlorn that topple helplessly.
He loves the tempest, he is glad to see
The roaring gale to heaven the billows toss,
For strong to battle with the storm is he,
The mystic bird, the wandering albatross!