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A Tragedy

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Scene II.

A Public Square.
Enter Alardo and Borini, meeting.
Well met, Borini. We much want a man—

“We want:” is that the new Imperial style?

Truth speaks at times through jest: of that anon.
We want a man, clear, keen, and practical,
In whose brain glistens sap from subtle roots,


With choice repute for prudence, and who takes,
In th' interchange of thought, more than he gives.

Your master—mark I do not flatter him—
Can do great things, but can he make this man?
For else, how will you get your nonpareil?

We want him for a place of trust and reach,—
And of most gainful opportunities.
And thou art he we need.

You do not jest?

In graver earnest never did I wield
My right of speech.—Here comes a wary bird:
Now help me snare him. Your sharp wit, Borini—
You'll know on whom henceforth to whet its edge.
Enter Tesafo.
Count Tesafo,—fear not to hear your title,—
Of the old times the best is coming back,—
You know the news?

The capture of Agost?


Flight of the Barcan King. Another peace.
Three moons have scarcely waned since the great Consul
With single hand doth sway our sceptred might.
Already order and prosperity
Do reënjoy their own. Not arms alone
Have thriven: Commerce blithe, Wealth's wakeful nurse,
Ready pacificator, threads again
Her myriad sheltered paths. Men feel once more
Firm ground beneath their tread, wherein to plant
Securely. Tesafo, you have estates
In the rich province of Belmirimar?

A patch or two. Would they were salable!

You will be bounden to me, if I bare
An easy way to give them treble worth?

So deeply you'll become my creditor
Yourself shall be the sounder of the depth.

This affluent Province needs a Governor,


A man of rank, of fathom, and of wealth.
With such a one for its wide ministry,—
A man of head and active competence,—
That region, now decayed, would lift itself
To foremost consequence. Is it not so?

It might be; aye, it might be.

What we seek
Is the right man; and him we 've found, the man
For such high post,—high from th' importancy
Of largest functions, higher still from this,
That Governors of these broad Provinces
Will represent the Consul's very self:
They are his viceroys, so to speak. Borini,
Who, guess you, is the sure-eyed Consul's choice?

Presume I will not to divine. But had
His Highness thrown on me the choosing, far
I should not have to look.

The list is small
Of men fit for these lofty stations. Come,
Give us your choice.


My judgment, good Alardo,
Is only that of one weak citizen;
And yet, my ken of men's capacities
Is that whereon I long have plumed myself.
My Governor were Count Tesafo.

Me! Me!

Borini, you should be his Highness' aide,
Your judgment jumps so pat with his; for know,
Count Tesafo, that I am duly charged
To offer you this topmost place.

The Consul
Judges me rightly when he deems, Alardo,
He may trust my fidelity to him.
Favors from him I have already had:
This new one's greatness makes me pause.

Pause not
Too long. The place needs filling: must be filled.
The Consul comes to-day.
[Distant cannon heard.
Ha! there he is.


That salvo speaks from the far eastern gate.
Within the hour he will be with us. Come,
Borini, we have much to finish. Count,
Our Chief is swift in his resolves. Farewell.

[Exeunt severally.