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The Consent. In imitation of the Virgin's Answer to the Angel.
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The Consent. In imitation of the Virgin's Answer to the Angel.

[Luk. i.38.]
Great GOD: Thy Chosen People shall
Each one to Thee be Called home:
And to a Choice of thee they All
On thy Heart-conq'ring Call shall come.
God, Father, Son, and Spirit, make
Tenders that overcome us quite:


I'll be your GOD; He sayes: I'll take
In you, as in dear Sons delight.
The Lord-Redeemer does propose
To Pay for us a wondrous Price;
To guide our Wayes; to quell our Foes;
And Lodge us in Eternal Bliss.
Dissolv'd by such sweet Rayes of Grace,
Darted from Thee, most Gracious Lord;
Behold, Thy willing Servant Prayes,
Fulfil to me thy Glorious Word.
JESUS, Our Holy Surety did
Work out a Righteousness compleat;
Sinners, Tis yours, He sayes, to Plead,
Righteous before Gods Judgment-seat.
Our Sin, of Enemies the worst,
This, God will Pardon and Subdue;
Tis this, O God, for which I thirst!
Sins Death, Saints as their Life pursue.
When Tempted, our kind Friend on High,
Succours will send us down from thence;
To Him, we in Temptations fly;
And Favours Hee'l by them dispense.
Dissolv'd by such sweet Rayes of Grace,
Darted from Thee, most Gracious Lord;
Behold, Thy willing Servant Prayes,
Fulfill to me thy Glorious Word.
Our Spirits Born from Heav'n above,
God will for Heav'nly Flights prepare;
Then them to Paradise remove,
And Blessed Visions grant them there.
Our Cleansed Bodies from the Grave,
He to our Spirits will restore;
In them we shall New Mansions have,
Bright, Strong; And, death shall be no more.


So, in the CITY of our God,
Him we shall Serve, and Love, and See:
O City of our Long Abode;
How Long, till we arrive to thee!
Dissolv'd by such Sweet Rayes of Grace,
Darted from Thee, most Gracious Lord;
Behold, Thy willing Servant Prayes,
Fulfill to me thy Glorious Word.